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Hi , there - please can you tell me if you sell anselix, as i would like to place an order. i live in england - many thanks

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hi there - can you tell me more details please - where did you first obtain it, the price including delivery price and as much info as possible
many thanks

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I sell anselix or itravil it´s the same

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Hi Maria,

I'm sorry, but this site does not manufacture, prescribe, nor sell any medications or products, this is an information only website. If you wish to obtain more details about this drug, then I can certainly help you with that request.

I do however believe that Anselix is banned in a number of countries though, so actually obtaining it would be rather difficult and illegal, depending on the laws of your country.

The active ingredient in Anselix is Clobenzorex. This may be of help to you if you are searching locally within your pharmacies.

You can read more about this drug by following the link below:

I would also suggest checking with the laws of your country to determine if you can legally obtain it there without running into trouble with customs, by ordering online.

I hope this helps!

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This website does not manufacture, prescribe, nor sell any medications or products. It is an information only website.

Anselix contains the active ingredient Phentermine, which is a stimulant used to aid in weight loss.


Have you consulted your doctor?

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