Anoro Ellipta Forums

Recently active Anoro Ellipta forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Anoro Ellipta and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

Has anyone had an itchy facial rash that got puffy and turned really red, and felt pretty hot? Anoro Ellipta is the only new prescription that I recently started on... That's why I'm thinking it could be the Anoro Ellipta... ## The FDA does list it as being known as causing itching and a rash as side effects. However, it would be best to have this checked out, in case you are allergic to it. Other side effects are listed as possibly including belching, dry mouth, constipation, headache, and vertigo. Has there been any change? What other medications are you taking? ## Has anyone gained weight after taking Anoro Ellipta? I have not yet started it yet, but am concerned that it will make me gain weight and I am already weighing 202 lbs. at 5'4. ## I have been taking Anoro for 3 ...

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Bij inhalatie slaag ik er niet in alle medicatie te inhalleren, een deel van de korrels zitten achteraan mijn mond of keel. nochthans gebruik ik reeds jaren inhalatiemedicatie. Vorige medicatie Spiriva en onbrez 150, toen had ik deze klacht niet. Zou het mondstuk de oorzaak kunnen zijn?Spiriva had een exellent mondstuk! Anoro vindt ik gebruiksvriendelijk en goedkoop.Graag zou ik dit verder gebruiken Ik heb geen grote mond en het gaat niet goed om het mondstuk diep te steken. Zijn er nog patienten die dit ervaren? Reeds 6 dagen in gebruik,hopelijk lukt het in de toekomst wel. Graag uw mening.
