Androgel Bad Side Effects


Androgel has raised my t-levels from 143 to 1000, caused me severe night sweats, and has shrunk my testicles by at least 25 percent. Erections are still difficult. Herbal meds work but give me headaches. I quit for 2 weeks. My sack hangs lower, my testicles seem slightly larger, but I am very down mentally. What are my alternatives? Is there such a thing as Androgel cycling? Age 56 -supposedly with a mix of primary and secondary hypogonadism (and gynecomastia / male breasts).

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Your levels sound like they're too high. I had this conversation with my doctor about testicles shrinking with this therapy because it was a great concern to me and he stated that it would not affect my testicles because my t-level was very low at the time and if he kept my levels within range that it would not affect my testicles. My sack has not changed. It still hangs low, probably because of my age, 60. Erections are great and morning erections are back. You should contact your doctor.

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My boobs have grown too from using this product and my nipples stick out more. They are itchy because they feel swollen too. My genitals seemed to have shrunk too. The good side is; I do feel a lot better; more energy; better concentration, etc, if you can deal with the side effects.

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