Andractim Forums
Recently active Andractim forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Andractim and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Please tell me where I can get this gel in India. Otherwise tel me the process to get it from overseas... ## Please tell me where I can get this gel in India. Otherwise tel me the process to get it from overseas... ## i am 24,i have no facial hair though i have pubic and leg and underarm hair. and i have no genetic problem.i do masturbate regular,.am i be able to make facial hair,??????pls advice ## i need to buy andractim gel or cream ,plz tell me how can i get the andractim gel at dehradun and send me the price detail ## m 23 yrs old male but no facial hair i came to kwn tat ANDRACTIM ll helps in the growth of facial hair so if any one knows tat plzzzz inform me i stay in hyderabad & i dont have any sexual problems testorens r normal level plllzzzzzz if any 1 purchased it let me k...
I WANT TO PURCHASE ANDRACTIM GEL ## Andractim Gel is a topical testosterone gel. this site does not prescribe nor sell any medications. Are you trying to find somewhere to obtain it? ## i wanna andractim gel in india how can i get it plz ell me ## 4 tube andractim. Nikolay Turutin, Russia, Kamchatskii krai, Elizovo, ul.Rjabikova d.9 kv.24 ## i want andractim gel so what is the price &howtoget ## I HAVE NO FACIAL HAIR AND I'M 24 NOW....SO I'M GOING TO TRY Andractim CREAM... SO I WANNA WHERE IT IS AVAILABLE IN BANGLORE CITY,INDIA........... ## i want andractim cream. I am in chennai. Please do the needful; ## I want to know the availability of andractim dht gel in Maldives ## Just tried p-boost after reading some reviews about it. Worked good but pretty pricey. The trial was f...
I'm suffering from gynecomastia and urgently need the andractim gel. Can anyone tell me where I can get it in ranchi or bhubhneswar or kolkata? ## I need an ANDRACTIM cream (Di-hydrotestosteron) for my 1 year old child. Please inform me about its availability and cost. ## I need Andractim gel as well. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
Need to buy Andractim cream for my nephew as prescribed by doctor. ## Andractim Gel is a topical medication to help people who have low Testosterone levels. Where are you located? Have you tried your nearest pharmacy to obtain the prescription? Side effects for this can include: nausea, skin irritation and headache. You can read more on it here: ## I'm suffering from gynecomastia and urgently need the andractim gel,please someone inform me where i can get it in kolkata or bhubhneswar or ranchi. ## hello sir i should andractim gel or cream so please imform me with full specification ok ............. ## Please I need the medicine Andractim .Gel how get? ## Mere ko 've ye gel chahiye please koi provide krwa do
my friend has a perciption for Andractim but he would like to know how much it will cost him without insurance ?would u help me to let me know how much it will cost.plsssssssssssss. ## i have usen the gel and i hav bought the tube from india by indian currency it cost about 700ruppees. ## The price can vary from pharmacy to pharmacy, there is no standard amount that we can quote. ## i will like to buy 4-6 tubes of andractim as i have a prescription. I know its sold in india can someone give me a pharmacy phone number to call and buy the Andractim. thanks ## ANDRACTIM GEL OR ANY OTHER DHT GEL ## i want to by this what is the cost of one tube? please give me a reply. ## Hi I read your massage that you purchased the gel in INDIA at rupees 700 , kindly may i know the place from where you pu...
Hi all, May I know which pharmacy in bangalore selling Andractim or any other DHT gel. ## i need the Andractim gel Or Any Other Dht Gel - please tell where i can get these in hyderabad in India ## pls let me know where i can get andactrim gel in vadodara gujarat ## I need Andractim gel, plz somebody help me, its my life question ## ineed andractim gel in odisha or colkatta ## did anyone got andractim gel...? then please inform me how can you get it..
I want to develop my sexual ability. WIll Andractim cream help? ## Andractim is a topical testosterone cream. In the U.S., it cannot be obtained legally without a prescription. That said, if you already have an adequate amount of Testosterone in your body, it will also not help with you anything. It is not going to turn you into a sex god or any such thing. There can also be problems associated with having too much of it in your body. Is there some reason you think you need this? ## My friend has a child who is under 3 yrs old and has hypospadiasis. A dr in Russia prescribed andractim gel for the child to use b4 and after surgery. Parents do not wish to buy online because of the scams, but they asking for help to buy this product legally in secure reliable pharmacy as Russia does not ha...
my name is harshal kapoor, and i am from jalandhar city(india/punjab), i want andractim gel(dht) earlier , because it is prefer me by doctor vipin talwar, i am 19 years old, please give me reaply as fast as possible. my contact number is-81xxxxxxxx {edited for privacy} d.o.b.-20-07-1993 ## Hi harshal, Unfortunately due to my location, I cannot locate specific details on which pharmacies in India carry Andractim gel. Did your doctor (who suggested this medication) write you a prescription for it? If so, one thing I would recommend doing is double checking with him where he believes you can get it filled locally. Good doctor's usually don't write scripts for drugs that they know you can't fill in or around your area... However you can also look up the phone numbers of various ...