Ampyra Headaches (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been taking Ampyra for 4 days. I have noticed a decrease in fatigue but headaches daily. The question is will they eventually go away on their own, or do I skip a day and see if they stop or quit til I see the doc ?
Day 6 on Ampyra. Walked on treadmill 0.6miles at 2.5 speed without any foot drop or dragging legs. (previously I could do 0.25miles at 1.5 speed). I could have done more, but I didn't want to pull a muscle. I think I'm going to have to try to run!!!!!
4 days on Ampyra with no, or very small change in walking or balance. But, my strong tingling and bugs crawling all over feeling is mostly gone. Anyone else notice this? Headaches are pretty constant as well.
Hey guys,
I am so, so excited that Ampyra is working!!!
Question: What kinds of MS do you have? My honeybun has PPMS and I am wondering if it will work for him.
KMS- he has leg cramping and pretty rough foot pain when he spends too much time on his feet. I don't know... same thing?
So... Do you guys have RRMS, SPMS or PPMS?? : )
Cecelia, I have RRMS. I believe any type of MS is ok for Ampyra. I'm on day 10 of Ampyra and feel almost like I did pre-MS. I can walk with out near as much spasticity and have much longer and faster walking. It's definitely worth a try.
Cecilia, I also have PPMS and cannot believe how Ampyra has changed my life so far. I was very worried about taking it and very excited. The worry was from getting so up about and if It didn't work, I would be stuck with where I was at and just getting worse. I can't believe how much better I am in 4 weeks and it seems to keep making a difference. My back spasms at night are almost gone and the stiffness is much better. I hope your husband gets it and has even more success.
I,ve been taking ampyra for 2 weeks. Does anyone know how long until I feel effects? I have read that one of the drug effects is to block some of my potassium in the body. I take potassium pills . Is that a problem?
I am replying to the person who felt dizzy after taking ampyra. I, too, became extremely dizzy after taking my 2nd dose Saturday morning. I could not even lift my head up. It took several hours until the feeling passed. I am reluctant to take another dose. I called the Ampyra hotline and a pharmacist told me to stop taking it and call my doctor on Monday. I would think the pharmacist would know more than my dr about whether the symptom will pass. I read a posting elsewhere from someone who took half doses after getting dizzy to let his body adjust for a couple of weeks, then increased to the full dose and is doing fine.
to GNET 15
I see your posting was last week. Are you still taking ampyra and has the dizziness passed? What did you do to ameliorate the feeling?
Mike, Potassium pills don't have anything to do with Ampyra. Ampyra is a potassium channel blocker (blocks the potassium channels that leak when the nerve is demylinated), Ampyra does not affect your electrolytes (potassium being one of them). Check with the hotline pharmacist for Amypra.
On day 13 of Ampyra. My walking is continuing to improve. I'm feeling so confident about walking it's amazing! Everyone should talk to their doctor about trying this drug! (only contraindications are decreased kidney function and seizures)
Thanks for the info. I will wait a couple of more weeks for improvement. I am a large (over 320 lbs) maybe I have to wait until my body reaches the optimum level like all my other medication.
I've been on Ampyra for almost 3 months and don't think it's doing anything for me. I'm not about to give up - has it taken this long to work for anyone else?
Hey everyone, i am so glad to hear almost everyone is seeing improvements from Ampyra. This is so awesome. I have been doing well on it also. I'm into my almost 3rd month and i see a great improvement also. Some days better than others, but i am still so excited for everyone, Yeah!!! And i am sorry for the other post to that Tim Dude, but he is so wrong. There is nothing to worry about,Well, its his loss, we are all walking Better.
Been on Ampyra 16 days. 1st 14 days were awesome. Felt like I could walk for a mile. Last 2 days I'm back to being stiff again and not near as good as I was. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Day 14 low back pain pretty bad, Day 15 felt horrible and all symptoms returning Day 16 seizure at night ....... just stopped med and Im pretty disappointed. I guess my kidneys werent able to get rid of it fast enough. Wasnt an epiletic type seizure, but more of an full body strong spasm and tourqing for about a minute with no loss of conscience. Similar pattern to a migraine, where before it happened I felt absolutely horrible and nausea, then after it I slept for hours and felt much better.
Ampyra seemed to stop working for a couple of days, but it seems to have kicked in again! Loving this drug! The only MS drug I actually look forward to taking!
Hi, ev eryone. I see lots of success with this drug, but not in my case. I've been on ampyra for two months, my nero yook me off two days ago due to a bladder infection. It never helped me walk anyway. It made my balance worse and made my spasticity worse. I'm really disappointed and happy for the rest of you..
I took Ampyra last week. I was really dizzy the first day, but that got better. I ended up having severe back pain starting about day 4. Since I've had bulging discs, my dr did an MRI yesterday to rule out a herniated disc. My MRI was fine, so I wonder if it was the Ampyra. I quit taking it on Monday per my neurologist's advice and my back pain is better today. In the week I took Ampyra, I really thought it helped somewhat, so I'm going to try it again. Has anyone else experienced really bad back pain since starting Ampyra?
What type of MS do you have? My neuro prescribed Ampyra for me on 6/25/10 (I was diagnosed with PPMS in 2008) -- my insurance company says I have to mail order this med so it will take a few more days till I get it, but I am anxious to try it.
I started Ampyra on 7/6/10 and have noticed an improvement in leg strength (my left side is weaker than right) and my balance has improved - not 100% but better. I hope I get better the longer I am on it. I did not experience any side efffects either.
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