Amprya- Just Started (Top voted first)


I have been taking this medicine for about two and a half weeks now and actually had a relapse in my right leg and my right side. I have noticed a huge difference in my relexes and in my walking but I have this hardened feeling in my stomach kind of like numbness and I am also having a sharp pinching. Has anyone had this?

3 Replies

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Ampyra contains the active ingredient Dalfampridine and from what I can tell from other posts on here, it seems to be getting mixed results. Some people are having very good luck with it, while others have had to stop taking it, due to problems with side effects or a lack of efficacy.

It takes about 4 to 6 weeks, before it will reach its full effectiveness in your body and you can really know how it's working for you.


My suggestion would be to discuss these issues with your doctor, especially if they become more severe.

Does anyone have experience using this medication?

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No, I did not experience any of your symptoms. I have been on Ampyra since January. I still have bad and okay days. I will definitely continue taking the drug. I hope you are feeling better and make sure you discuss your concerns with your doctor.
take care....

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I have been on Ampyra since June of '10. I have had great results from this drug, however my Dr. did tell me that it can cause a relapse in some people and that may be what you are having. Talk to your Dr., but from others I have spoken with the relapse is no worse then what we may have anyway from the M.S. Good luck, this has been a miracle drug for me. The only problem I have had is a headache once in a while. I stop taking the Ampyra for a day or two to get rid of the headache and then start back up again.

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