Ampitrexyl Pills (Page 2)
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Has anyone tried this antibiotic? Does it really work?

44 Replies (3 Pages)

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Do you take ampitrex 500 mg every 6 hours or every 8 hours?

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i had a bad ear infection for weeks and my introduced me to ampitrexyl pills, i took it for a couple of days and my infection disappeared.

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Can i take ampitrexyl 500 mg for hives? Can I take ampitrexyl with benadryl 25 mg

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I'm in my Walmart now and it's here clearances for $8.97 for 30/ 500mg

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My friend Lily says it is a antibiotic that they use in Mexico. She takes it all the time for sinus infection, strep, you name it. For $11.00 I'm going to give it a try. Its all natural and is suppose to work as good as Amoxicillian or penicillian. I believe her and what have I got to lose? I went to the doctor back in October and I was prescribed antibiotics, a steroid shot and the visit. It ended up costing me $300.00 in the end even with insurance so if this works it will beat going to the doctor.

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Ampitrexyl does work. It's an antibiotic prescribed in Mexico. Surprise to see it OTC in the US

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I just purchased Ampitrexyl in my local Walmart in the Mexican section next to pharmacy area. I am trying it out here after seeing way too many chemtrails crisscrosses the skies today in New Mexico.

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Ampitrexyl is sold by the diet pills at walmart. The box says for dietary supplement. I think it's more like a vitamin, rather than antibiotic. it's a little under $4. I keep seeing people put how they want to take it for a sore throat. Cats claw is good for this and is natural.

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What ages is it safe for? Can children take it?

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AMPITREXYL is not an ANTIBIOTIC..... it's comparable to AIRBORNE inthe sense that it supports immune systems with natural herbs.

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There is no AMPITREXYL in Mexico, so you probably saw the same box.

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It's a homeopathic medicine using natural herbs to support immune systems. AND it really works!! I use it all the time for scratchy throats.

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on the Ampitrexyl 1000 mgs how many should we take?

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Hi,I'm reading the box and it tells me to take two per serving. But it doesn't say how often? Hope this helps others.

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two pills a day. It says serving size 2 pills.

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This are the Ingresients

Andrographitis Extract ........450 mg
Corydails Yanhusuo..............50 mg

I'm taking it right now. for throat infection and it seams to be working, Bough it in a Mexican Store for $11 Dlls "Ampitrexil 500 mg. 30 Capsules

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I took this product last night and again this morning because I had coughing going on and a very sore throat and when I coughed it made it worse, especially lying down;
I found it very effective, it helped me sleep and stopped the cough and dried me up some which is what I needed to function. Now I'm taking some Vit. and Slippery Elm tea to add to my natural healing; [plus rest and keeping warm]

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how many pills do you drink?

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i just bought ampitrexyl but it doestn say how many pills i need to take... can someone tell throat hurts really bad...

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Its label says Miami FL 33014
(prescription for antibiotics are required in Florida, but not Mexico)

Supplemen Facts
(serving size 2 capsules)
Andrographitis Extract .......450mg
Corydails Yahusuo ..............50mg

other ingredients: burdoc root, microcrystalline cellulose, spleen, bee propolis, echineacea extract, garlic extract.

sounds like a natural supplement to help avoid getting sick as much. Especially since it contains garlic extract.
its fooled me because my mother bought antibiotics (pharmacy), after her doctors appointment, in mexico and the box looks exactly the same.

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