Amox-clav 875 Mg, How Long Does It Take To Kill Infection? (Top voted first)


I was prescribed this med for 6 days for a severe head and chest infection. After 3 days I'm still seeing signs of infection. I called the dr and was told to wait a week and see how I felt. I am worried that the infection will return with a vengeance because it wasn't completely killed?

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I have a bad sinus infection. How long does it take Amox/K Clav Tab 875mg,to get in my system ?Already taking 2. I'm on them twice a day.

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Hello, Carol! How are you?

The general rule with antibiotics is that if they are working, you shouldn't see any worsening of the infection after being on it for a full 24 hours and you should start to see improvement after taking it for a full 3 days. That's why your doctor told you to wait a few more days.

The FDA classifies this medication as an antibiotic and lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

Have you shown any improvement, yet?

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Hi I started amoxicillin clav 875 yesterday for a skin infection around my right eye - last night swelling was considerably down and now this morning it's back to being red and swollen
Took another dose this morning and it is still swollen - should I give it a full three days before going to the hospital?

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I was prescribed Amox-Clav 875mg 3 days ago for a cat scratch which got infected. The swelling has gone down, however, 3 days later, I have terrible headaches, back ache and 100.3 fever. What shall I do?

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My thumb is swollen and on the right side/edge of my fingernail, puss started coming out. Can amox-clav 875mg help?

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Re: Karen Berry (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Same for me good but takes about 5 full days

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