Amox-clav 875 Antibiotic (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedVery large white antibiotic..I am on 875mg
I have one swollen tonsil and one pus pocket on throat. Hurts mostly in the morn. I am stuck in bed wit foot surgery and can't get to doctor. There is amox-clav and amoxicillian in the medicine cabinet. (can't find penicillian) can anyone give me the name of correct meicine to take? I will find it if you are sure that it is for sore throat.. Gargle with warm salt water helps but doesnt cure.
How about gargling with hydrogen peroxide....(just done swallow- I know) Help me please
I got a script last night at the ER for bite to upper lip - they gave it to me to prevent an infection ... but all I have found states it's for an existing infection.
1 pill down and yeah, hit the bathroom many times but had IV antibiotics last night to.
Has anyone heard of prescribing in a preventative means?
I was prescribed Amox-Clav after being bitten by a dog (no infection at the time it was prescribed, but I read that the majority of dog bites become infected). This is my second day on it (fourth pill). I felt fine after the first three, but today I feel nauseated and groggy.
are you feeling better mary? i am also on day 3 with the same or more pain. wondering if i should go back to try something else :/ (for ear infection)
Hi everyone I too just was given this antibiotic today for a terrible sinus infection, I have had pain now for near 2 weeks, waking up with headache has not been fun, last 2 days it was all across my eyebrow and now side of nose and cheekbone, I have had it before but not been given this tablet,.He also gave panadiene forte which i most likely wont use,I prefer to use whatevers natural and non addictive where possible, so if that means 1 or 2 more days of pain so be it. Might try snorting salt ocean water, told its fantastic for sinus probably make me vomit though lol, good luck all
Nope not feeling any better. Doctor sent me for xrays. In fact, I'm in pain right now so I better go and pop some more tylenol for relief...(sigh)...
I was prescribed this 4 days ago for a horrible ear infection brought on by a sinus infection, and no relief. I am wondering if it's not bacterial and maybe should be prescribed something different to relieve the pressure and pain?
sinius: also do sinius wash with squeeze bottle plus a
tiny pinch of red pepper in the solution
also take de-oderized garlic capsules with an enzyne
capsule to prevent the burp aftereffects--garlic & red
pepper both kill virius
oh, forgot to mention - after several bouts of unsuccessful antibiotics last fall and again this fall, I'm now on the 875/125 amoxi clav for 4 weeks, with an additional 2 weeks if needed. Thanks for all the input about it. It has progressed from nasal to my chest so sure hope I can last the month and get rid of it once and for all! Only taken 2 so far.
I was given Amoc-Clav 875 mg 2 times a day for 7 days by Dr. due to slight infection in area of surgery. Surgery was for fishur and this appeared about 3 weeks post surgery in area the cur spinktor muscel. Hope it works.
Ahh everyone on here with sinus and ear stuff.I had a anal fissure (a hole in the side of the hole haha).I know ,embarrasing and ridiculess,thanks god,anyway i took this last year and it healed and sealed up the fissure but it made me feel REALLY bad and then halfway in started making my elbows and hands ITCH!I am looking here for it to say somewhere that the itching was an allergic reaction or was it trying to give me nerve damage like the side effects say on this different antibiotic im taking called metronidazole for a reammergence of the chronic infection(externally at least) now.Im doing better with this stuff but i really feel extra weekened when i get home from driving but i got stress problems to go with it.(you might have stress problems too if your heart skipped a lot)Hope this helps someone.
I am 34 weeks pregnant and was prescribed AMOX/CLAV 875mg. I had a severe cough, could barely breathe and had no voice. Doc diagnosed me with bronchitis. It's been 4 days I still have the cough (yellow mucus) stuffy nose and my voice is not clear. It seems to me like it isn't working but I wasn't sure how long it should take to start helping.
After you finish your course of Amox-Clav, start daily nasal saline irrigation (or start it now). My ENT had me do this after my last bad sinus infection and it has made a world of difference. I use the blue bulb syringe from a Murine Ear Wax Removal package instead of a Netti pot. (Hate them). Just be sure you use distilled water to mix the saline. You can use sea-salt or table salt (non-iodized, trust me on this one) or buy the premixed saline packets at the drug store (Walgreens carrys them) with baking soda to buffer the saline. Just be faithful with it. Regular flu vaccinations help and I haven't had a cold or sinus infection for two years.
I had the same problem. I was told it was a sinus infection. It ended up being shingles.
I went to the doctor the other week for pink eye, and I had also had a rough cold for a week or two. I was only there to get eye drops, but the doc insisted that I had a sinus infection as well, and prescribed me 875mg amox-clav tablets to be taken twice a day. I weigh just under 110 lbs. As soon as I started taking the tablets, I was nauseous constantly, throwing up, and was always rushing to the bathroom for diarrhea. Four days later I developed a yeast infection (I have no history of getting them), which I read can be a side effect. Overall, this drug has been an awful experience for me,
Hi. I have the same symptoms. Would you care to describe how was your dizziness, please. I am going crazy with it. I had a CT and they said I have sinus infection. I am afraid I have something else. Did you get better?
i took one amoxicilina/acido clavulanico,i was vomiting for three hours.
i had taken a five day course of amoxicilin 500 for a gum abscess,needed a seven day course,started on these to finish course.
Thanks for the info on amox-clav. I appreciate it.
I had cdiff in September I tested neg every time since but still had diarrhea. Yesterday I went to the hospital and was told I gave diverticulitis the doctor prescribed 875 amoxicillin/k clay and flagyl he told me to take probiotics to help with the cdiff. I'm scared of the amox/k Clav anyone else experience this?
Hi, my child was given a prescription of AMOX-CLAV 400-57. She took her first dose around 2:30 since we went mid-day. Can she take another dose around 9 tonight? It's a 2x a day script. She is 7 and weighs 57lbs.
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