Amox Clav For My Dog
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my dog has been prescribed amox/clav as the vet says he has very bad teeth and looks infected, im worried about the side effects on him as he is a 14 and a half year old plus he has heart problem and all things about this product say keep away from animals, has anyone else given there dog this product, i just worry about him so much,
Re: Madsmom (# 20)
I forgot to mention that she weighs about 15-20 lbs. I hate to have a $300 vet bill if I can just give her my husbands old meds that he didn't finish!
We have a 14 year old cock-a-poo, very bad breath, sneezing out big globs of yellow snot out her nose. My hubby has some leftover amox-clav 875mg - Can I give 1/2 of one to our dog daily to help her infection?
I have a 30lb dog he has a skin infection (like small dry spots which is causing him to itch alot can I use the amox-clav 875-125mg
Re: Dolly (# 2)
Did you ever get a reply? I have the same pill but a 14 pound dog. No other health problems.
Re: amanda (# 5)
I lost you??? About my Hairless chihuahua? Is this the same person?
I have APO 500125 can I give it to my 7 year pit bull he hurt his leg and I can't afford a vet
I have amoxicillin 875 mg can I give to my 15lb daschund and if so how much.
I have a puggle with a breathing proble gave him Amoy cav 875 but don't know how much to give him can u help?
Is it safe to give my 8year old Rottweiler Amoxclav 875-125 ?
Is she fixed? If not she could be just going in to heat. That would explain the swollen vagina and the discharge
Have a 15 lb dog with tooth infection have amoxicillin clav 875/125 how much of the pill do I give her and how many times per day
Does anyone know how long you can give amox/clav to your dog before it stops be being affective
Was told my dog could have bad tooth or nasal cancer
I gave her the amox/ clav and it worked great for over three months
Now having some nasal noise again
She is 15 and everything they would do would mean she would be given anesthesia and at her age that scares me
She seems happy enough and eats well so what to do
Good luck to you
Can give my chiwawa amoxclav she has this gaggin like symptom wont eat or drink
My 8 pound dog had two stitches in her groin yesterday and one stitch has come out. She isn't on an antibiotic. Will it heal without the stitch. It's not bleeding
I have a beagle that is about 30lbs. He has really bad teeth that we have treated with antibiotics before. He had a dental cleaning a few months ago. It is now the weekend and his snout has started swelling again. Can I give him Amox TR-K CLV 500-125 MG TAD? If so, how much? I do plan to call the vet Monday morning and have him seen.
I have a small yorky mix. I think she has a bladder infection. Her vagina is swollen with a slightly colored discarded, I have the amox clav 875mg but I don't know how much I can give without harming her I need help I want to help her. How much is safe please help
My dog has been prescribed amox/clav 250mg, she has had a bad belly for weeks,stoll and bloods have come back normal, but now her belly has swallon a like a football, please help.
did the swelling went down?
My dog got in a fight with another dog and he was bitten on his face and one paw, I can't afford a vet. I have Amox-Clav 875mg can I give that to him for right now. He has swelling on his paw and he can't put any pressure on it can I give him the Amox-Clav as a temporary solution?
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