Amox 875mg
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I went to ER 36 hours after cat bit on back of left rist. It was swelling and red and painful. DR. gave me Amox 875. He said it takes 24 hours to be effective. It's been 24 hours. I noticed that the swelling has increased a little, puffy knuckles and the marker line, a rash is extended about 1/2 inch over the original line. I'm wondering if this is how the drug works or is the infection spreading more. If it breaks up the infection and flushes it out of the limb, the rash moving over the swelling line would be understandable. I watching it close, now that I know how serious a cat bit can be. I take care of ferral strays and have been bit many times but the finger wound is different than a rist wound. The finger swells are the infection usually goes away on it's own. A rist wound allows the extended hand to become a catcher for the toxin bact. and it stores it before the blood can clean it.

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You should see a doctor, again.

After 24 hours, there shouldn't be any worsening and you should see improvement within 36 hours.

You can learn more Amoxicillin details here.

Has there been any change?

You really do need to be careful. It's admirable that you care for ferals, but getting bitten or scratched by them can be very dangerous, since you have no way of knowing what they may be carrying.

An infection like this is just one of the minor possible issues. You should get yourself a good pair of thick gloves that extend up over the wrist and wear them when handling the kitties. I used to rescue cats and that's what I used to protect myself. :-)

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Got cat scrached and bitten, somewhat deep to be worried.. mom & dad both have been hospitalized over same kinda incident. I have done everything i researched for cat bite. -cleaned, warm steril soap ( for about 5 min. And within 8 hrs),used hydrogen peroxide and neosporin w/ pain ingrediant. Is now bandaged. I have from 5/10/2012 a full RX OF amox-clav 875, will this still be sufficient? I have had tetnus shot about 7yrs ago.

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