Amneal Pharmaceuticals Hydrocodone 10-325 (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been taking hydrocodone 10-325 (made by Watson) for about a year. I picked up my prescription yesterday and instead of the normal yellow pill, I received a white oblong pill imprinted with m367 on it. I took 2 for breakthrough pain and had no relief what-so-ever. I called the pharmacy and was told that they will no longer be able to get the med from Watson. Does anyone know what has happened? I have chronic pain, and these white ones from Amneal Pharmaceuticals is not going to cut it. Has anyone else experienced this?

217 Replies (11 Pages)

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Re: BL (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

I did tell the pharmacist and its in my file. They knew I cant take this Amneal. I made it perfectly clear. It makes me mad that they did not bother to tell me the brands changed. Any time a pharmacy changes brands it should be MANDATORY that they inform the consumer BEFORE the prescription is filled so it gives the consumer a chance to get different medicine elsewhere. They took my choice away by not telling me! That is so wrong! They dont want to lose their profit. They dont care if I get sick from this medicine! Its all about the money! Its dispicable!!

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Re: Patti (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

We need to get the word out that the Amneal brand 10/325 is garbage! I am happy to hear other people have noticed and are filing complaints too! I would like to have one of my pills analyzed to see what it is really made of!!

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Re: Lynn (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Lynn and Kimber

I called Amneal for 2days and the phone just rang and rang and then the call dropped. Finally got to VM once via the operator yet didn’t get a response . I submitted a Complaint to the FDA. I then sent Amneal a copy of the compliant and hmmmm they called me 1st thing Monday morning. I gave them the info they wanted, didn’t go into details of my personal data tho. They asked if I still had the meds, which is customary yet I swapped it out with my doctor for a new script. I told them Walgreens had plenty on the shelf. I trust Walgreens submmited a complaint as I was 1 of 100+ people from my pharmacy that callled in with similar symptoms we all share. If the FDA gets multiple consumer and pharmacy complaints they will be at Amneal ASAP. The FDA does not take it lightly when the pharmaceutical companies are producing drugs that are resulting in illness

Rite Aid and Walmart, at least in CA use a manufacturer distributed thru Mallinckrodt, I believe it may be Watson, from what Walmart state, much better alternative

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Re: Rodeo (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

The Amneal 10/325 has so many bad sides affects along with doing NOTHING to alleviate the pain!! Dont get your prescriptions at Walgreens. They only carry Anmeal. If you can get the Mallinkrodt. It works. Sorry for your troubles. I am going through the same thing. Bring what you have left to your doc. Tell him you are having problems with it. Get a receipt from your doc documenting how many you returned and get a new script. But stay away from Walgreens. Its all they carry. Kroger I believe carries Mallinkrodt. Call around. Or try the mom and pop pharmacy and see if they will order for you. Amneal is the lousiest generic I was unfotunate enough to be prescribed! Its nasty! I want to get it analyzed and see what all is in it! Good luck!

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Re: Rodeo (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Rodeo.

Yes & I apologize if in my initial post that aside from all the side affects of the Amneal medication, I didn’t mention it wasn’t effective towards pain relief. Nothing worst than feeling sick from a Med and still be in pain Suggestion is to take the unused portion of your script to your doctor and request he give you a receipt and a new script. Then call your insurance company and tell them you had an adverse reaction so they cover the new script and then contact pharmacy’s for a different manufacturer. After using the Mallinckrodt for a week now I can see it’s very similar if not the same as Watson - zero effects of feeling ill

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Re: Pat (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

If you can, call other pharmacies before to see what brand they carry before you fill your script. Walgreens is now carrying products made by Amneal. I just had a sleeping aid prescribed and I got a bad reaction from that too! Amneal medication is junk. Smiths and Kroger carry Mallinkrodt which is much better than Amneal. Im not sure what CVS carries. Always ask to and find out what brand the medicine is before you buy it. Once its in your hands it can be returned but you have to go to your doc and let them know its causing a reaction. Bring what to you have to the doc for a receipt and get a new script and bring it to a pharmacy that doesn't carry Amneal. Make sure you file a complaint at the FDA. I tried using the fkrm but it never went through. Talk to someone there. Dont bother calling Amneal. They will give you the run around like they did me. Hope this helps. I hate this company for the crummy drugs they are making. They are undercutting other drugs brands by giving the cheapest prices. Cheaper prices means lousy quality medication!

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Re: Cy (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

Stay away from that Amneal garbage. I had severe side effects. Walgreens now carries only Amneal medicine because its cheaper because its garbage. Check other pharmacies to see what they carry before you give them your prescription. Also call and report this to the FDA. Dont bother with filling out their questionnaire. There are lots of people here who will back you on how bad Amneal is. FDA 1-888-463-6332. Also, let your doctor know. Bring what you have left to your doctor, get a receipt for it and have the doc write a new script for the remainder. You should NEVER suffer because of bad nasty ill made medicine! I hope this helps! Please keep us all posted.

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*note* I have been taking pain meds (percocet and norco) on and off for the past year due to various conditions and have had 4 manufacturers [Qualitest (percocet), Aurobindo (percocet), Amneal (norco), and Rhodes (percocet)].

I recently got a 7 (28 pills) day script of amneal norco 10/325 for kidney stones. Aside from flank pain I felt fine at first. So the first dosage of amneal norco I took 1½ (15mg) which seemed to work okay for the pain but some side effects were noted. They included extreme drowsiness, agitation, and a dull lingering headache.

Second and third doses were similar except I only took 1 pill each time (10/325). Minor pain relief but complete loss of appetite and what could only be described as a feeling of malaise and/or dysphoria (opposite of euphoria) with a persistent headache.

On the 4th dose really strange (and bad) symptoms started to set in. It started with tooth/jaw pain on my left side. The headaches persisted. Shaking it off I continued to take the Amneal norco at regular doses.

By the time I was down to my last few pills of these Amneal norco I had severe jaw pain which extended from my upper left jaw all the way to my chin and to a lymph node in my throat (left side). I also developed an extremely sore throat on that same side where it hurt to even swallow. Additionally I felt pain that I've felt before when I had an inner ear infection (also on my left side). I had a terrible headache. I had the chills and a fever of 101º. I felt HORRIBLE.

So I finally took the remainder of my script (for experimental purposes) and all these symptoms persisted even though by now my stone had passed so the flank pain was gone. Yet I was now in severe pain and literally sick due to, by all logical conclusions, something in the Amneal pills.

It's now been three days since i've taken the Amneal norco and guess what? I took some Ibuprofen the next day and it helped with the jaw/ear/throat pain. Next day (day 2) the pain really started to subside. It is now the morning of day 3 of not taking Amneal norco and all symptoms and pain are gone. I'm actually feeling much better. It's very clear to my pragmatic mind that there is indeed, something in these generic norco/percocets, that is giving people adverse reactions. Possibly the povidone/crospovidone polymers? Something else?

I almost went to the ER because it seemed I was getting some kind of massive infection whilst taking these Amneal hydrocodone. Oh I forgot to mention i also had a MASSIVE panic attack about 30 minutes after taking 1 10/325 Amneal norco. My BPM (heartrate) must have been, at least, 250. That's 250 beats per minute (over 4 beats per second). I literally thought I was going to die.

I've had similar issues with every Norco/Percocet i've recently taken. Oh and it's not MY body because in the past when taking such narcotic analgesics they actually made me feel good. It's something they've changed in the pill themselves. Now I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but I honestly think the government may be behind this whole ordeal. I do have one pill left that I will be sending off to an independent lab for analysis.

Long story short, Amneal is a horrible variation of norco and will likely just make you feel worse. Ibuprofen literally worked better.

Looking to set up litigation possibly against a number of generic manufacturers, their parent companies and possibly the FDA as a whole. If any of you have experienced adverse effects please save at least 1 pill for independent analysis.

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Re: Mason (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

Please note that the formulations of most (if not all) pain meds have been made to intentionally make you not want to take them. Instead of doing what they were prescribed for they actually make you sick. I agree that any over the counter Tylenol or Ibuprofen will work at least as well, if not better, than the prescribed pain meds.

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It sounds as if you were going to Walgreen's. They used to use Watson generic for hydrocodone and when Watson was bought out they switched to the garbage they fill with now. The formula has been changed and these garbage pills are no more effective than over the counter Tylenol. Because of the so-called "opioid" problem, most of the manufacturers and pharmacies have changed to a worthless totally ineffective replacement. Honest chronic pain is now being grouped in with those who steal from their relatives and street addicts. They feel the solution is to penalize the 90+% of the honest users to stop the 10% or so illegal users and abusers. In other words, every LEGAL patient of pain meds is now grouped in with all of the various criminal elements. It is like closing all of the banks because a few commit bank robbery.

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Re: w john (# 110) Expand Referenced Message

You are so right John. My back pain started in high school when I got hit by a car. Since then several a rear end and head on accident added to the damage. I've been on pain meds for over 20 years! Not something recent. I do not like being treated as a degenerate because I need pain meds. I don't sell my medicine. I have documented valid reason for its use! This makes me so damn mad being treated this way!

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BL (# 111) --

You can't know that to a certainty. If there was some type of collusion between the FDA/CDC and manufacturers do you really think they'd list it? The government does what it wants and has many, many secrets. Look @ MKultra back in the day and what they did back then. Our world (and government) has only gotten more dubious since then.

Even two of the "listed" ingredients are questionable. Povidones and Crospovidones are both polymers, if tweaked the slightest can completely change their overall molecular structure resulting in who knows what.

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BL (# 111) -

Most of the people on this site will sternly disagree with your OPINION. The "reformulation" of these generic opioids have been known for awhile. They are ineffective and offer little, if next to no relief from pain. Have you read this thread? Do you honestly believe that the people that post on this site are just making things up? The manufacturers BY LAW can be off by 20% in active ingredients and while the inactive ingredients are listed there is nothing that stops them from using poor quality "inert ingredients" making the binders totally worthless. If these generics were effective in controlling their pain there would not be so many people calling them out. You sound like someone with an uninformed opinion that just spouts off about a subject that you are completely ignorant on.

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Re: Mason (# 114) Expand Referenced Message

I saw that too!! Povidones!! That is poison!! The garbage they put in our medicine is dispicable and the manufacturer should be held accountable for the damage it does to us who take these medications!!
Thank you Mason!!

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Re: Kimber (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

Hi all!

Great News Walgreens has gone back to Actavis for the 10/325 Norco and no longer is filling Amnea!!!! Wow in less than 45 days they got that junk off their shelves cuz the pharmacist had our backs! Check you local Walgreens if that’s were you fill. Actavis is a much better product

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Re: Patsysd (# 147) Expand Referenced Message

I think it is the fillers that are responsible for making people sick.

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Re: Dano (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I receive a prescription of hydrocodirne 7.25 and it didn’t do anything. I took it for years and was out for a year due to insurance. The pill has always worked, it was like taking a 800 Motrin. It did nothing . The norco pharmacies are dispensing is not worth the chemicals it’s made with.

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Re: Anna (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

My understanding medicine is coming out of India specially at CVS and they are not Using FDA approved medicine now. Cheaper isn’t always better.

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Re: Suze (# 166) Expand Referenced Message

So sad..I feel your pain! What's really sad is the V.A. my husband goes to this brand Amneal is all they have for our veterans! It doesn't help my husband at all! It's a disgrace!

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Same thing happened to me. I’ve been on the Watson for 25yrs and now I got gut rot and belly burn and no relief from the pain. I used to take 1 Watson In the mornin and was good to go. Let me know if you find an answer.

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