Amitriptiline To Help With Insomnia



due to some personal circumstances, i have ended up with depression ans anxeity and with insomnia. i cannot fall asleep and sometimes stay awake all night. now i am getting all anxious about not sleeping. I was prescribed amitriptiline, and for the first 2 -3 nights at 50mg worked wonders, but now, it doesnt do anything. i just lie in bed watching hours pass by. I also had a shot of Jack Daniels the other day, and this knocked me out.

Will taking higher doses help me go to sleep? also how safe it is consuming alcohol while on amitriptiline?

4 Replies

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Drinking, while you are taking this medication can result in aggravation of the side effects, such as nausea and dizziness.

Learn more Amitriptyline details here.

And as to whether or not higher doses may help you sleep, I have to say it's doubtful, if the current dose only helped for a few days.

Have you talked to your doctor about your other options?

Something such as Trazodone may help more.

Learn more Trazodone details here.

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Is trazodone more sedating? i have reduced my dose to 25mg a night, i take it about 10pm and when i go to bed around midnight, i will have a tiny bit of alcohol ( literally 1/2 bottle top screw ) and this keeps me asleep until 4 am. I know you're not suppose to drink alcohol with ami, but i get restful sleep and feel great in the morning.

Question is, am I doing long term damage to myself by drinking alcohol with ami? I've only been doing this for 3 weeks.

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After suffering bad whiplash in a car accident my doctor has prescribed me amitriptiline 10mg 1 before bed because of bad neck and shoulder pain. I've been on them for a week and even though i'm getting a better night sleep taking them I just feel really tired, weepy and depressed all day. It's an awful feeling. Should i stop taking these tablets?

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After 4 months on ami I feel great! Be persistent, take one day at a time, and you will get there.

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