Aminophylline Forums
Recently active Aminophylline forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Aminophylline and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.This medication is prescribed for dogs, but what exactly is it? ## aminophylline (for dogs) any Info, response/reaction, etc., would be much appreciated. Thanking you in advance. MA ## i HAVE A PILL DARK BLUE WITH SPECKS WHITE AND BLUE IMPRINT 23/57V. i WAS TOLD IT IS A ALPROZALM CAN YOU HELP IDETIFY IT? ANYONE? ## Can anyone help identify a pill for me impritn 23/57v or 25/57 darker blue than xanax dark blu and white specks oval. ## Aminophylline is used to treat breathing problems in dogs, such as asthma, or bronchitis, just as it is in people. Ref: Aminophylline Information Side effects may include nausea, drowsiness, and restlessness. Amy, I cannot find anything that matches that description. Can you please double check the imprint?