Ambroxol / Ambrolex Drops Dosage (Top voted first)


What is the right dosage for a 7 month old baby weighing 7-8 kgs?

16 Replies

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My baby is 1 year & 1 month old already and she has a cough right now. What dosage of Ambroxol would I give her? Please reply ASAP. Thanks.

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my baby is 1 month and 11 days old.,is he prescribed to take ambroxol ambrolex syrup? and what is the proper dosage for my baby?

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What is the proper dosage of ambrolex drops 75mg/ml for my 6 month old baby? Has had a cough for 3 days, weighs 7.1 kg.

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My baby has a cough and I don't know how much ambroxol he should be getting. Please help me know the right dosage of ambroxol for my 6-month-old baby.

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Hi. What if i gave my 9 month old baby Ambroxol and instead of 0.5ml, i gave her 5ml? Her weight is 7kg. Is she going to be ok? Please help.

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Hello Wenz,

I went to the manufacturers website and this is the information they have for their doses.

Recommended daily dosage for children:

1.2-1.6 mg/kg body weight

6-11 years: Tablet: ½ tablet 3 times daily. Pediatric Syrup: 5 mL 3 times daily.

2-5 years: Pediatric Syrup: 2.5 mL 3 times daily. Oral Drops: 10-20 drops 3 times daily.

<2 years (only when prescribed by a doctor): Pediatric Syrup: 2.5 mL 2 times daily. Oral Drops: 5-10 drops 3 times daily.

It is very important to take note of the <2 years of age warning to only administer this medication when prescribed by a doctor. If this medication has not been prescribed to be taken it could adversely affect your child.

I hope this information helps. Have a wonderful day.

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What dosage should I give to my baby age 9months old having sticky and itchy cough?

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What dosage of Ambroxol drops should I give to my 2-month-old baby?

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Hello po. Pwd po bang magtnung. Ung baby ko po 1 month and half na po sya pwd po syang bigyan ng ambroxol na gamot? Ilang dosage po ba ung dpat na ipanom sa baby ko at ilang hours dpat ung pagpapainom. Sna po matulungan nyo po. Inuubo po kc ung baby ko. Slamat po.

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Ambroxol ambrolex is good for me? How many times should I take this a day? I have a flem coated cough, I already buy ambroxol ambrolex 30mg, but I don't know how to take this. As an adult, is it ok to take 3 times a day?

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What isa the right dosage for my baby for ambrolex weighing 8kg. His 7months old.

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What is the right dosage for my bby 7months old 8kgs. He has a cough

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My baby is only 6mos. old and he is suffering cough for 3days. I just want to ask, what is the right dosage of ambrolex infant for him?

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Anu po drop pwede po inumin sa baby 2 months lng po syA may plema na sya

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What is the dosage for my baby
6 month old
6.7 kg

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My baby is 8 months old. He is suffering from a cough and cold. I was giving him wicoryl AF drops and coscoril drops. He was OK. But as of today he is suffering from chest congestion. What to do?

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