Ambien Drug Test (Top voted first)


I got dui, they found alcohol and ambien in my purse, I had took two 10mg of ambien around 10pm my dui blood test was done at 3:20am, C.h.p. ordered a full drug alcohol toxicology report. I have it but can't understand it, it has all these different codes that look like decimals and alphabets, how do I no what is what. I no one code mean gc and it said .13 and another code mean diluter and is says 0.83, what number ate the da looking for that makes you impaired? Because I didn't feel impaired, but since they seen it they test for it. I blew a .06 and my blood was .08 I was sitting in the car ran out of gas on freeway then took a drink they are offering me a wet but I want to try to fight it because I was not drinking at the time I was driving, was on a rise, wondering how would ambien play into this if I go to trial? How do they no if I took it that night or the day please....

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I have been caught driving while on Ambien. What they do test for in the blood test is your levels. If your levels are too high you can actually be charged with a DUI. I'm not sure about the numbers and what they mean. But legally your levels have to be a certain amount before you can be charged for DUI.

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ooo wow...did yours include alcohol to or just ambien?

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Ambien and alcohol

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