Am I Suposed To Take Up To 2 Norco
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I went to er with pancreatitis and kidney stones, and I was sent home with a prescription for norco 5-325 mg 1-2 q8h. Does this mean I can take up to 2 every 8 hrs? I am concerned cause it would help but I'm 5'3 94.6 lbs. Is that a safe dose for my size? He says it is but i wanted a different opinion.

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Re: tena (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Kidney stones are the worst pain i have ever been in, that includes several children's natural births, chemo, 9 hour cancer surgery and the recovery, and a broken bone through the years.

I am tiny too, 5'3" and about 100, but take at least that much for KS. Not often of course and not for more than a couple of days, but yes, generally it has been that much or more...the last time it was 7.5/325 every 4 hours but everyone is different and has different tolerances.

I usually end up in the ER on Morphine. Sometimes the Norco helps but just for anyone reading, IMO you should be given an anti Nausea med like Zofran or Phenergan so you don't throw up the meds. Of course, you should get a medical professionals opinion over mine! Just something that has helped.

When I am in that much pain, I like Phenergan because it makes me relaxed and sleepy.

My heart goes out to all who have KS...they usually do pass in a few hours but those are painful times.

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yes thanks for your reply. They made me vomit alot so i was told only take half of a 5-325. its been alot better now. my infection is gone. thanks again.

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Yes, that is what it means according to the prescription details you've provided.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.

Your height and weight have nothing to do with the dosage prescribed, it is based on your tolerance to opiates, and how much pain you are in.

Have you started them, yet? How are you doing?

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