Aluminum Chloride Forums
Recently active Aluminum Chloride forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Aluminum Chloride and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Page:
Pharmaceutical ingredient
Deat Sir/Madam, I am interested in Aluminum chloride as pharmaceutical ingredient. It has been used as ingredient of injection and perspiration deodorant products in Japan but it is not listed on Inactive Ingredient Guide of US FDA website and I do not know it can be used or it has been used as pharmaceutical ingredient in the US. If you have any information, please let me know. Best regards,
use of AlCl3 &chlorinated paraffins in biotech
Sir, i m persuing biochemical technology.And present time i m doing 6th month project in 8th sem.My topic is Q.A. of chlorinated paraffins &AlCl3.So, I want to know that what is the use of alluminium chloride &chloinated paraffins in biotech/microbiology/biochemistry/ phermacology. i'll highly obilised. Regards& thnx