Alprazolam XR Forums
Recently active Alprazolam XR forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Alprazolam XR and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.What does the Xanax XR 3 mg pill look like? ## Hmmm well it all depends because if you are talking about a generic form A.k.a. Alprazolam then it can be made by a number of different manufacturers. And each of them can have their own color, imprint codes, etc. Do you have any more specific details of what you are looking for such as the dosage or manufacturer? ## Yes, Rick is correct. Once a med is available in generic form, the way it can look is entirely up to the whit and whim of the manufacturer. There are no guidelines regulating how a pill has to look, only regarding the imprint on them. ## I am very interested in the appearance of xanax 3 mg. ## the pill is a yellow bar almost like the 2mg xanax but yellow not white ## I need a dr to prescribe me some, but I don't know if I n...
My family member is taking this medicine and is having spells of being very spaced out, and forgetfulness, is this common? ## this is very common. i have no idea of his situation, but the dose may need to be bumped down to at least 2mgXR, or maybe a 3mg regular Xanax Bar. ## Alprazolam is the active ingredient in the medication Xanax, which is a name with which you may be more familiar. As Travis said, yes, those can be normal side effects, it could be that the person is on too high of a dosage, or they are just new to taking it, and their body isn't used to the medication. The FDA also wants that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, irritability, and dry mouth. How long have they been taking it, ...
Imprint 33249 - back side nothing but smooth , Are these real xanax bars ? ## Hello, Kc! How are you? Can you please double check the marking? It should be GG 249. A tablet with this marking is manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 2mgs of Alprazolam, the generic for Xanax. The FDA classifies this medication as a benzodiazepine, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.
What does a Xanax 2 XR look like? Round, blue with just a 2 imprint? ## The look of the pill and the imprint will actually vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, since the drug is available not in a generic form. This, it is impossible to say which pill you have unless you provide the imprint, then I can look it up for you. You can actually find blue pills in all different doses of Xanax, as well as a ton with that description that are not Xanax. That is why I removed the prior response to this, the answer was entirely misleading. ## Sorry, that should have said it is available NOW in a generic form, sorry for the typo. ## Also there is a xanax like sedative called nivram or something like is one mg, but has a 2 prionted on it. ## And again, that 2 printed on it may only appl...