Alprazolam 2mg Tablets Made By Greenstone Vs Odt Tablets?
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Hey guys,

So it’s been increasingly difficult, if not impossible to find the 2mg generic alprazolam tablets made by greenstone, but I do know of a pharmacy I could potentially start ordering them through that is an authorized greenstone retailer. But I’m also really curious about these Alprazolam ODT tablets, and how much more effective they might be than even the greenstone. Some bioequivalence can actually be 120% bioequivaoent to 100% lol. For example my subutex is 8.64 mg but it’s bioequivalent to 8.

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Re: Davemp88 (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I'm curious as well. So they manufacture sublingual alprazolam? You're positive? I'd imagine the doc would have to specify.

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Your doctor would have write your prescription for the ODT formulation.

As to the equivalency ratio, it is actually plus, or minus 20% of the amount of the active ingredient in the name brand, so the range would be from 80% to 120%.

Source: FDA Hatch-Waxman Letters

The FDA warns that Alprazolam carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood changes, appetite changes, and irritability.

Ref: Medline Plus Alprazolam

Is there anything I can help with?

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Up until about 6 months ago, I wasn't even aware of the existence of a form of Xanax other than Tablet. It was only when I was picking up a refill one day, and we were having difficulty ordering my preferred brand, that the pharmacist mentioned the, "Alprazolam ODT" tablets, or Orally Disintegrating Tablets, which would've been the generic of the discontinued "Niravam". Is it possible to ask for the ODT tablet formulation on a refill of a regular Alprazolam prescription, or would my Doctor specifically have to prescribe Alprazolam ODT?

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