Allergic To Oxy 30 S (Top voted first)


Is it possible I am allergic to the buffer I have been taking these pills for a year I have Hodgkin's lymphoma and they seem to give me a stomachache and I was told that some people can be allergic to the buffer in certain types is this true

4 Replies

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Hello, Monte! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.

Oxycodone can cause nausea, stomach ache and upset as a side effect, as listed by the FDA, along with dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. They also carry the risk of being habit forming.

Unless it's severe, it is most likely just a normal side effect of the medication, but you should speak to your doctor about it, just in case. They may be able to advise you of a way to prevent it from occurring.

Do you take it with food or on an empty stomach?

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Verwon....l normal adverse reactions do not usually take 1 year to appear. Although, anyone can become allergic to any ingredient in a med at any time this sounds more like a reaction to the specific brand of drug. For instance, remember all the problems with Actavis percocet this year? That's what this sounds like.

Monte, did you get a different brand of med this time? I have been having these types of problems with ANY med made in India or products used in Indian meds. For example, Actavis and Sun pharmaceuticals, both from India, have been causing a lot of people a lot of problems! Just thought I would let you know!

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Our bodies do change with time, some sometimes, while we've taken a medication just fine for awhile, things can suddenly change. I'm not sure why, but it has been happening more and more.

As to a different medication from a different manufacturer with different excipients, that is also a possibility and also seems to be occurring more often than it used to.

I have a Spironolactone from one manufacturer that doesn't agree with me, at all. It causes severe stomach pain, but I'm fine with all the others. We've never been able to narrow down what the difference is that causes the problem, though,

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I also forgot to mention that another possibility is a fluctuation in the amount of active ingredient in these ones. If it is slightly higher than the last one you were taking, that could also cause a sudden resurgence of side effects.

The FDA does allow the generics to differ form the name brands by as much as plus or minus 20% of the active ingredient, but they don't have to measure against each other. While the differences are slight and don't affect most people, there are some that are very sensitive to any change in a their medication.

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