Allergic Reaction To Tramadol
UpdatedI have a reoccurring knee injury and was prescribed Tramadol which gave me an allergic reaction, the hospital prescribed me steroids, Pepcid and Benadryl to counter act the rash. The rash ran the entire length of both my arms from finger tips to armpits, after taking the prescribed medicine the rash has gone away but now I'm peeling badly and it hurts, is this normal? If not what can I do because the peeling is spreading all over my body.
1 Reply
Hello, Safari! How are you? Has there been any change?
If not, or if it has worsened, you may be having a dangerous reaction to the medication and should seek emergency medical attention at your nearest ER.
Peeling skin may be a sign of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, according to the NIH and it has the potential to be fatal, if left untreated.
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