Allergen Forums
Recently active Allergen forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Allergen and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Did you know a lot of toothaches and face sweeling is due to your main sinus duct where your cheek bone is, that is filled up with fluid, called sinusitis? Most people don't even know you can get that. Causes teeth to hurt, gums swollen, face swelling. It's always good to see a doctor first so they can put you on the right meds. Even though Cedfinir is one of the medication they will prescribe. But do understand it is not a miracle pill. Give it 4-6 days before you even see any results. Ok well I just wanted to share some info. Have a nice day. ## Hello AlwaysSick, Thank you for this information. Just to expand a little bit upon this, allergies in general can make more than just your teeth and nose swell and ache. Anywhere that your body is exposed to the allergens can become in...
1 REPLY UpdatedAre there any lactose free cholesterol drugs ## It is very hard to say, since each company that makes them has their own formula of ingredients. ## calcium citrate lactose free ## I am lactose/milk and povidone intolerant. My medications all contain 1 or more of these allergens, Atenolol, Levothyroxine, HCTZ. Taking these with antihistamine (also containing lactose) still triggers migraines daily, for which I take caffeine to counteract. Is there any way I can get allergen free medications. My doctor & pharmacy don't have a clue or don't care to find the answer. I am developing arthritis and dental pain from using these meds. Please help ## I, too, am allergic to lactose (milk) and corn. I just researched and found Levothyroxin made by Sandoz that does not have these ingredi...
7 REPLIES UpdatedMy doctor prescribed co aleva for 1 week. And he advised me not to eat chicken, seafoods, peanuts and cheese but i cant stop myself from eating those foods. And everytime i eat that food my allergy was active and i take co aleva every time i have allergic reactions. Is there any side effect I need to worry about if i always take that co aleva? ## If you are allergic to those foods, you do have to stop eating them. If you continue to indulge your allergies could continue to get worse, and may become life threatening. A medication will not always be enough to correct this problem, since allergen exposures can get worse with time. NOTE: Co-Aleva (Ebastine + Betamethasone) combines an antihistamine and a steroid to treat a wide variety of ailments, including but not limited to allergies, in...
1 REPLY UpdatedHi, I'm suffering from dust allergies from last 3/4 years. Finally doctor told me to take telekast-L for 3 months then it will be clear but I'm using more than 3 months now it is under control but is not cure. If the medicine will stop for two to three days the all problems are felling like nausea, cough in chest, breathing problem. Please suggest me which is the best medicine for my conditions. I'm always worrying about this. ## Dear Prasanna, Unfortunately, there is no such medicine that can completely cure allergy. The best thing anyone can do is to avoid such allergens like dust. Doctor prescribed you telekast -L to get rid of the symptoms but not the route cause. Because, our environment is so polluted everyone allergic to dust should use mask all the time when in the t...
16 REPLIES UpdatedNeed to know all of the ingredients, active and inactive/other, of Adco-Bisocor please, as I am allergic to lactose, citric acid, etc. ## Sorry, I am new to this forum and do not know the ropes yet. This is not a reply, I am only trying to be more specific. As I use quite a few different chronic medications and am allergic to some ingredients, I need to know as much as possible about them. As my dr could not get hold of the regular CiplaZar 100 I usually take, he had to substitute it with Bilocor. As they both are generics, the inactive ingredients may differ and I was hoping that Bilocor does not contain the accursed citric acid and lactose which seem to be in more or less everything I have to take. Taking ten different chronic medications, the effect of all allergens combined is devas...
3 REPLIES UpdatedDoes this medication contain any dairy products? If yes, then why? So many people are intolerant to dairy products and a major sign of opioid withdrawal is stomach upset. This can cause the person that is prescribed the medication to think that they need to take more when it is actually causing them stomach upset, pain, and discomfort. I understand that drug companies are out to make money but allergens should not be added to any medication. If allergens are in food then the label clearly states which allergens are in the food on the package. Why not prescription drugs?
UpdatedThe treatment for a person who is alegetic to sulphite. ## Unfortunately, there is really no treatment, other than using antihistamines to help alleviate the allergic reaction. However, the best solution, as explained by the NIH, is to avoid the allergen triggers, such as anything containing sulfites. How did you discover that you were allergic? Are you allergic to sulfites or just sulfur?
1 REPLY UpdatedI have been having a rash on the side of my neck for months. It looks like a sunburn with dry skin. I have tried all the anti-fungal type meds with no luck. It does not itch very much and there has been no changes in my diet, meds, laundry soap and so forth. Does anyone have any ideas that might clear this up other then say go to you doctor. ## Hello, Jenifer! How are you? Have you tried a topical allergy ointment? Some allergic outbreaks can look like that, they can also hit certain specific areas, if that spot becomes very sensitive to the allergen, as listed by the NIH. I doubt it's due to an infection, because that would continue to get worse. However, the only way to really get a definitive answer is by seeing your doctor, which I know you don't want to hear. Does anyone el...
1 REPLY Updatedi suffer from allergic cold. my doctor prescribed cetzine A and told me that it can have problem while driving and advised me to discontinune if i wnnt to go on long driving. ## I have a sneezing problem, mainly in cool weather. I am now 70 years old and have this problem since I was 60. However, it disappears if I wear socks. Thank God it is not serious enough for me to take any anti-allergen. Different people have different cold-spots. For some it may be 'head' and they may get relief by wearing a cap. ## Cetirizine has lot of side affects on your body like headache, constipation, drowsiness etc . Many other are long time sideaffects like blurred vision and body aches.pls try the boiled water of giloy kwath and shwasari kwath of ayurveda for at least 15 days and see the differ...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI am one of the unfortunate individuals that suffer from a mouth full of canker sores each time I have to take an OTC pain killer due to the SLS. I have already changed my tooth paste. Since I suffer from osteoarthritis, there are days when taking these pain killers is not an option. My question is, are there any pain killers in the US that do not contain Sodium Laurel Sulfate? Thank you for any help you can offer. ## Hi, Lauren! Sorry about the problems you've been having. Unfortunately, there is no central repository of this type of information. However, your pharmacist may be able to help. They can usually put the problematic substance or allergen in their computer and check medications against it, since they have to keep a list of all them, including the inactive ingredients. Ha...
2 REPLIES UpdatedI am sure many of you have seen an advertisement of a prescription drug that has caught your attention and you’ve maybe inquired about it to your doctor, thinking it’s the right drug for you to take. And some of you may have even left that doctors appointment with a prescription for the drug you requested. Even though you insisted it was, in some cases that may have not actually been the best drug for you to take. Although this sounds ridiculous, there is evidence proving that this happens. A study done by analyzing survey data previously gathered by the FDA from 1081 adults found that “when a physician’s patient is favorable to DTCA and is likely to search for more information about an advertised drug, the physi...
1 REPLY UpdatedI am having this medicin for my rashes, I am havingthis for 2 ,3 months regular & iam ok but if I stop taking it for even 2 days i start geting eitching at that paticuler place & it become red& eitchi.I don't have any side effect by taking it regularly. Would not like to get addicted to this medicin. Can you suggest any remedy ## Please go for allergen test before continuing medicines
1 REPLY Updatedjust want to know the difference between morfine sulfer and morfine sulfate? ## There are various compounds related to sulfur, including sulfa, sulfates and sulfites. Variations of sulfur are some such allergens, but each type is different. Choosing between any given one is usually dependent on whether or not you are allergic to the compound. Sulfur compounds derive from sulfur, an essential element to life. No person is allergic to sulfur in its pure form, but some might be allergic to the various forms of sulfur (i.e. sulfate, sulfite, sulfa). I'm not sure why companies don't just use sulfur and not have to worry about making different variations of it, but that is not a question I can answer. This has nothing to do with Morphine itself, just what it is chemically compounded w...
1 REPLY UpdatedTwenty Commandments of Colostrums “God first food to the newborn” 1. Colostrom - is the pre-milk fluid and it has been called nature's first food because female mammals produce Colostrum just before they give birth. The yellow fluid is excreted in the milk for approximately three days following birth. After this, Colostrum is no longer produced in the mammal. 2. Colostrom mainly contains leptin, lactoferin, hydrogen peroxide, amino acid, fatty acid, phytic acid ( antioxidant), vitamin A, E & B12, Calcium etc 3. Colostrum also contains all five of the immunoglobulins found in humans, with significant amounts of the four important antibodies - IgG, IgM, IgA, and Secretory IgA. 4. Apart from above containts Colostrum also contains cytokines which have been found to be e...