Alko Tablet Overdose


My friend who is 21 years old has taken overdose of alko tablet. He has taken all 20 tablets at a time just because he was having some stress. Now he has consulted to a doctor. I'm worried that will he face some kind of disorders or kidney failure? Is he safe or still in danger or any other risk?

10 Replies

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Yes, I would just like to know, is alko-1, 1mg alprazolam? I have been scammed in the past with a product saying one thing, and being another, and usually a pacebo! I would like to know. These pills are white and on one side there is an "N" and a "T" on the bottom, with a check mark on the other side!

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Re: SKYE (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I believe they are xanex and am satisfied with these. Deb

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Re: Deb (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I just recieved alrpozolam it ahd the marking N-t on it woth a J something like is that is is real or a pleceabo

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Re: SKYE (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

They are real and work great.I have just started taking them and they are real xanax

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Re: Bulldog (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Are you sure they're good? I'm sooo scared to take them.

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Yes, they are alprazolam from India.

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Re: Kljm26 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I got scammed. When I ordered my prescription they took my money and conned me from exporters India.

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Sorry to hear that about your friend. Hope he gets better soon.

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Re: SKYE (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I've just got some, there real xanax, there just Indian, really good

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Re: Kljm26 (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Horrible don’t waste your money.

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