Alko 1 Tablet - Alprazolam (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhite round pill with T, score line and N on one side, and a correction tick type of symbol on the other side.
Re: Pam (# 31)
I just tried alko 1. They are bitter but I think maybe a little weaker than the pfizer, but good enough.
Re: Irish jay (# 63)
Wats the craic I’m north Dublin yea I set u wide pal. They DO contact morphine and other dirty thing AND THEY DON’T . If you got a batch anywhere from Feb2016-March 2019 (they had a white box on the card saying scheduled F bla Blaa or watever .. the ones wit the red boxes on the tray (manufactured between April-August 2019 they’re 100% alpraz 0.75 as ive had them tested by wedinos. Last years n batch year before had 0.2 alpraz caffeine paracetomol morphine & an anti fungal agent in it. NOTE: if the cards you have says they where manufactured in AUGUST 2019 then they’re the real deal 100% Xanax .
Lads, I took them today. Only a half. I was talking to my girl like a spastic then tip toed up the stairs with my hands like edward scissor hands laughing at myself in the mirror. There is a nike tick on the back so they're being sold as nike xanax. But I was relaxed. They take about 15 minutes to work, but def alprazolam. I still prefer normal xanax but these are a different but pleasant feeling. You'll also need to build up a tolerance and will be very sleepy; not active like xanax. I'd still choose normal xanax over these but we are in isolation so they'll do and im happy enough with them.
Any one saying that the alko 1s are crap obviously got ripped off coz the ones I'm getting are fine no complaints and my mates have no complaints either there's about 6 of us we all can't be wrong so who ever is complaining would want to get a new dealer??
Re: Ace (# 4)
I've had the unmarked ones. They're from India where they're not required by law ro mark their pills. Yes they're "alprazolam" 1mg they're very weak though.
Re: Thumderfoot82 (# 141)
I agree, seem fine to me. I usually take ksalos from a trusted pharmacy which are great but I’m trying to wean off the benzos. Thought I’d try the Alko-1 as it’s easier to halve or quarter than the ksalol. I had some a few years back which were definitely bunk but these seem to be fine. Just had a half this morning and feels like what 0.5mg should feel, bearing in mind my high tolerance. I think what everyone else is saying about manufactured dates is correct. If you get them from a pharmacy you’ve used for years (as I have) they should be ok. Sure, they may be 10% over or under alprazolam dose advertised, but that’s Indian pharmacy drugs for you. In fact I believe that applies to all generics of all drugs worldwide? Perfectly within the regulations for pharmacy drugs.
Re: Rooster Rump (# 140)
Alprazolam are u the spell checker for the site now: if people don’t know Xanax real name is alprazoam then they should not be taking them.
Re: Jay (# 184)
New Alko have no markings
I got some of these through the mail, they have no taste and are likely chalk.
Came as 3 blisters. The blister labels are neutec healthcare pvt. ltd. on the label with address and customer care, but no expiry.
The top stamp is N line T and the bottom is the nike tick.. Don't think i'll be taking them. Might open up each blister and see if they all have no taste but likely just received 3x junk.
Re: Ace (# 4)
And were they any good?? This make etc as I have & its says so that it’s alprazolam 1mg..
These Alko-1 tablets are all over Dublin at the moment. I've been taking them and had a U/A in the hospital the other day and I showed positive for morphine. I've never taken morphine in my life. Could they be cut with it?
It always seems when I get 1 mg alprazolam blister packs, I never have an issue with them. They were legit. I filled a prescription for 34 Pinix blister packs and they are legit. It seems like the 2mg bars are the ones to stay the f*** away from because they can use a presser and you never know what you're gonna get.
Re: David (# 1)
I’ve recieved the same tablets and they are not blood pressure tablets. The symbols are very different. They are Alprazolam 1mg
Re: Kitty (# 46)
yes but the question is if they have real alprazolam inside and 1 mg like they said or maybe they have other chemicals inside . i have 180 pills of that brand but i wont takr em until ill send a couple to be analyzed
Re: KenShiro (# 47)
I take them !!!!!! Nah mate they all good the ones I've had
Re: KenShiro (# 47)
I tested a tablet with a Xanax test strip. They are alprazolam. I don’t take a lot of benzodiazepines. They work.
I think if people actually stopped and read people’s replies they’d know what it is. Someone blatantly told all of you “asking what this is for definate” someone or two people blatantly told you morphine and/or opiate showed up on drug panels & U/A's after taking what we call “nike tranex”. The other replies of people saying no relief etc. is because each tablet is not the exact same. Some say they’ve evaluated these tablets and they contain an anti-fungal agent, a touch of caffeine, morphine & 0.3-0.6mg alprazolam (or if not alpraz another dirty research chemical benzo). Last year's batch came back positive for the 4 I mentioned. This year's batch are updates; they've got a red box on the tray of pills now where the old ones haven’t. The new ones contain benzo Alrite (0.5mg max alpraz I THINK) but definitely contain morphine 100%.
Re: Wayne (# 40)
No they’re not. Go get a U/A after taking one. Morphine. 4 active dirty ingredients in them Nike pills.
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