Alko 1 Tablet - Alprazolam (Page 2)
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White round pill with T, score line and N on one side, and a correction tick type of symbol on the other side.

250 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: curiositykilledthecat (# 202) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, the ones I received are for sure mostly filler. I sat on my stash for a while and they all taste mostly of chalk. I'm sure there's some good neutec stuff out there but the ones I received are not.

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Re: Ange (# 215) Expand Referenced Message

You hv to watch out. They mk knock offs. I always look for a blue stamp. It's the tax stamp for alko 1. If the pkg is peeling or there's no stamp I'd leave em. I got a bunch from a guy in India.. There were a cpl of those mixed in the order.

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Re: Matty (# 207) Expand Referenced Message

What was the cost? Thks

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Re: Cjay (# 181) Expand Referenced Message

How much did your refill cost? Thanks

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Re: Adam (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

How can you possibly say 0.3 at best? You don't have equipment that would tell you that. Same as folks saying the new valium brands are under-dosed. Well if you read Serbian news like me you would know what had happened. I have the perfect test. A friend of mine has been taking diazepam for 30 years. He tends to run out of his medication, sometimes within a week. When he takes Bensedin brand it stops his withdrawals. So how much in each pill to stop the wd within half an hour? We could "say" 0.5 upwards.

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Re: KLJM26 (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I get 2 mg blister packs on a regular basis and they say C2 on them. I have never heard of those. And then I also get 10 mg Valium‘s and 1 mg blue footballs. The footballs don’t have an imprint but they taste just like a football would. Doctors don’t like giving 3 mg Xanax out. I haven’t seen them in so many years, probably 10 years until I finally found somebody that will prescribe them. Taste just like a green bar.

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Re: KLJM26 (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I get 2 mg klonopin prescribed all the time, along with 1mg alprazolam. The ones I get have a C2 on them.

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Re: Kenisadope (# 195) Expand Referenced Message

What is a sprite test?

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Re: John (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Should be no more than £70 for 100 tabs for a refill

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Re: Kiki (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

So your prescription was for 2mg and the pharmacy only gave u 1mg! Hope they made up with the extra tablets :)

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Re: Claire (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Yes but the allo-1 alprazolam I have seen has what looks like a Nike tick on one side. I believe its an Indian brand. They come in a white box with pink writing ALKO-1 they come in strips of 10

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Re: Matty (# 218) Expand Referenced Message

I would not get that brand anymore. If you Google it the owner and his son were arrested in India for making opioid tablets, that's why now it's hit and miss.

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Re: Chinaman (# 197) Expand Referenced Message

Mate what other pharmacies can I get decent prices on my refills?

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Re: J Herer (# 210) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah but there awesome aswell lol

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Re: Ange (# 215) Expand Referenced Message

Tried one what exactly? Name? Packaging? Source (no names obvs)


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Re: JJ (# 214) Expand Referenced Message

Totally agree. They seem rubbish. Tried one an hour ago..... Zero effect. So disappointed

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Re: neergtuoekam (# 191) Expand Referenced Message

Ya they aren't real.. they taste like nothing. Not any meds In the

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Re: Kenisadope (# 200) Expand Referenced Message

Actually there's definitely opiates in the Alko-1 and the Tranax. I had them tested by WEDINOS in Wales because I failed a self administered urine screen. Morphine and Fentanyl.

Be safe people. Especially if you're on mandated testing.

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Re: J Herer (# 211) Expand Referenced Message

Aye them Kern 2s are awesome a can't get them anymore like

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Re: HateFakeDrugs (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

To this day I can get them dispensed out of Manchester. "Alko 1" is Nuetec-pharma's name for there brand of Indian Pharmaceuticals "Alprazolam" the drug more commonly known "xanax" generically. And they work like xanax.

And Kerns 2mg are top class.

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