Alko 1 Tablet - Alprazolam (Page 3)
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White round pill with T, score line and N on one side, and a correction tick type of symbol on the other side.

250 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: Chinaman (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Been taking benzos since 15, the only times my eyes ?? felt (cold) was when I ruined life on Temazepam eggs 30mg

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Re: Daisy (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

You have taken both...Alprazolam and Xanax are the same drug...

It's like valium (generic name), the drug is diazepam.

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Re: Daisy (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Xanax is the generic name for Alprazolam!

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Re: Adam (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah I had galenika ones last week 1mg ones and couldn't of had more than 2 at a time but I have had a strip of ten 1mg alko ones today and theyre nowhere near as good

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Re: HateFakeDrugs (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

What brand were they? If your pills and gut instinct aren't right. You're taking low doses of etizolam which can easily be ordered in bulk powder form on Asian markets.

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Re: jim (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

What blocks opiates. Only thing that can block opiates are narcon ect.

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Re: Chinaman (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Yes this can happen. Proberly dopamine shifting patterns

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Anybody know a pharmacy to fill a good brand of alprazolam? The ALKO-1 I'm getting don't taste bitter and have no purple writing.

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Re: FTU (# 201) Expand Referenced Message

I got 30x ALKO-1 recently and i had to take 7 of them to feel something close to real alprazolam. Something ain’t right about them. They’re the Nutec Healthcare ones in blister packets with the N|T and the nike swoosh

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I got some of these through the mail, they have no taste and are likely chalk.

Came as 3 blisters. The blister labels are neutec healthcare pvt. ltd. on the label with address and customer care, but no expiry.

The top stamp is N line T and the bottom is the nike tick.. Don't think i'll be taking them. Might open up each blister and see if they all have no taste but likely just received 3x junk.

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Re: ThePlugPlugFromTok (# 198) Expand Referenced Message

No, Morphine is in some of the Alprazolam. Small amounts but more in some. It won't affect you unless you have lab work for opiates, you'll fail. So be careful everyone.

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Re: John (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

300 for $90. That's what I see here in mexico but they aren't prescribed often.

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Re: aido97 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

oh My God ?? morphine in the adderalls .

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Re: JONNY5 (# 196) Expand Referenced Message

Ye sound, ,I got some and they were good

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Re: Chinaman (# 190) Expand Referenced Message

They are decent, don't worry about the writing

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Re: Master t (# 194) Expand Referenced Message

Did you do the sprite test? 2mg isn't much, it's very subtle.

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Re: pat (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I had one it did nothing, so I took a second dose and still nothing. I received 30, 27 of them went in the bin.

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Re: neergtuoekam (# 191) Expand Referenced Message

I'm after getting some with the same imprints, no best before date in purple writing on pack, which I taught was a bad sign, but they turned out good quality

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Re: Kenisadope (# 183) Expand Referenced Message

This still stands. The 1mg Alprazolam in packs of 15 that are smaller, rounded and have no markings are still kosher.

Bear in mind they are coming from s****y, back street facilities in India so you're not going to get them wrapped in Gucci packaging. They taste fine and work fine. Anyone who has any concerns should do the "sprite test" on them and you'll see. Google it or YouTube it. Only works with Alprazolam/Xanax and not Diazepam. Stay safe.

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Does anyone else's just taste quite weak and very chalky? Are these ones bad? They have the correct markings, the N/T and the Nike Tick???

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