Alko 1 Tablet - Alprazolam (Page 12) (Top voted first)


White round pill with T, score line and N on one side, and a correction tick type of symbol on the other side.

246 Replies (13 Pages)

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Re: Mehr (# 236) Expand Referenced Message

See my comment below, their crap, used to be good,

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Re: GLF89d1 (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

They don't contain morphine I got them tested. Just alorazolam as active ingredient. Not as strong as 1 mg. But definitely alprazolam, no morphine. You must be taking something else laced with it or whoever has failed for other things.

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If dosnt have the printed date and manufactured place n time..then it's not alprazolam it's pure Etozlam... Etozlam has o taste. Like bland chalk..same as the alko-1 I got the other day..all 90 were Etozlam

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Re: HateFakeDrugs (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

It's pure Etozlam...has no taste and chalky. Real alprazolam is hard to abuse and tastes like Xanax is supposed to taste like...another reason I knew they were Etozlam.

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Re: StephenG87 (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

I have the same exact one my mind saying January 6th 2025

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Re: pat (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Does not work for me.

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Re: Daisy (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Alprazolam is the active main chemical and xanax is jus a brand name like vallium ,

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Re: Stretchdub92 (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Your wrong dude alko-1 are mixed with crap and there is barely any if atol Alprozolam in the pill u will get a effect but not a Xanax effect your taking crap when it’s from India and all the online people know. That’s why they’ll never admit it’s not the real deal. 5 years ago alko-1 would be real but now why are they so cheap when Alprozolam is expensive and like golf dust in America so u think I’m the Indians are giving you the real product your dreaming man. You will get some effects but it’s not a Xanax effect. Trust me.

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Re: Dubsmoe (# 76) Expand Referenced Message

Glenelka are more expensive than alko-1 from India full off chalk white pills that you need to take double the amount to get any effect from and I can assure you my name is Gavaldo also but I can assure you alko-1 are just weak quality and to say glenelka from Serbia are cheaper is just pure bull.

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Re: Sean (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

The alko-1 are no where near as good or shall we just say the glenelka are real and the alko-1 are fake. India dispenses them for pennies if u go directly to them where as glenelka are excellent. Try them and you’ll notice but one taste and one pill.

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Re: Gavaldo (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

Exactly m8 you know the score that’s exactly what my experience has been need 10 chalk filled alko-1 compared to half that with Pfizer or glenelka. The guy can’t except he’s bought crap from India. But we know the truth.

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Re: Stretchdub92 (# 71) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah if you're getting them in the box and strips then they’re more than likely not tampered with so I agree as I got alko-1 last September. They where crap, at least half the strength of the glenelka. That’s also why all the glenelka are more expensive than the crap from chalk filled India meds.

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Re: Irish jay (# 63) Expand Referenced Message

So if one strip of ten are there they should all be 1mg not some stronger than others your telling yourself that there being tampered with or they’d all be 1mg Alprozolam not some good some crap. Unless there Pfizer real Pfizer or glenelka there crap. Yeah u will get an effect as you’ve said they f u up in Ireland but that doesn’t mean it’s alprazolam Xanax. There cheap as hell over there for a reason! That reason is there not real alprazolam. You are wrong and I agree with the other person Called Gavaldo that they just aren’t real m8. I sent alko-1 to a place in Wales and it had nothing but eltizolam not sure spelt correctly but look it up which for pennies on indianmart suprise suprise there a weak version of benzodiazepines that was In November the 28th

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Re: Marchetto813 (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

You clearly know all about alprazolam pal. Placing Pfizer behind ksalol maybe you’re getting fake Pfizer. If you knew anything about alpraz, you’d know that ksalol alpraz by galenika are cheap asf and fake asf, full of caffeine and flubromazolam, a research chemical that hasn’t been FDA approved. Know your stuff before you come on here advising people to take fake drugs! Don’t contradict me. I’ve had dozens of these all different batches, they all get sent straight to wedinos for sampling. Good luck. Fake fake fake gang.

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Re: StephenG87 (# 100) Expand Referenced Message

Your probably a Laddy that’s a no all never tried half what you claim or you’d be a pharmacist. We all live by opinions and yours are always just can’t wait to proove ive got good everyone else has crap/ why not leave people to there own comments and you can go back and find a live in your Indian alko-1

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Re: Kbluff1 (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

Who is this Stephen? Is he the only one to know the industry and answers the opinions about our experiences? Why troll people on a drug forum to help people hopefully try not get themselves the wrong thing. He’s a definite weirdo alert.

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I’m 43. I’ don’t however troll people all over a drug forum due to spelling mistakes and opinions you disagree with. There’s more comments on alko-1 being crap on this website than any other. Answers everything, just a laddy trolling the net. Sad but true. If you don’t agree keep it to your indian-made alko-1 and you enjoy yourself. Half the 100 comments are about how bad you are and your alko-1.

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Yea peeps complain oviously hav a no good source best switch up ASAP cuz alko 1s are the business where I’m from

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Re: Rooster Rump (# 140) Expand Referenced Message

You're wrong, alko-1 is not the real name.

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Re: MONKEY (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I received my refill too. What did you think? They are from india. So alarm bells.

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