Alicaforsen Forums
Recently active Alicaforsen forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Alicaforsen and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.When will alicaforsen be approved in the USA and Canada? I've waited long enough! Will there be TV advertising ? Will Canada approve Alicaforsen at the same time as the USA. Can someone from CANADA go to the USA to visit and seek treatment from a US doctor stay awhile and. Go on a treatment course of alicaforsen then be able to bring back another six week prescription back to CANADA? Will they eventuality develop it into a pill form? A researcher at Isis pharmaceuticals proved RNa drugs can be delivered by mouth bioflavable And can survive the stomach. Wouldn't a pill form be the future for this RNa drug? ## this site does not manufacture any medications, nor are we connected to any manufacturers, so I cannot answer most of your questions. There is no specific time frame for the...