Alesse (Top voted first)


Can i ask if Alesse is available in the Philippines?

3 Replies

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I'm not sure what's available for you there, but have you tried asking your doctor, or a local pharmacist/chemist?

Alesse is a combined oral contraceptive, it contains Ethinyl Estradiol and Levonorgestrel, so you can also just try asking for one that contains the same ingredients, since it would work the same.


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thanks for your reply, but currently i'm working abroad and the doctor prescribed alesse for me, then i noticed that on my schedule vacation to my home country(philippines) i'll be short of my pills, so i try to check if it's available in my home country or else, better visit to the doctor again.

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I'm on Alesse 28 for hormone control due to PCOS. My period arrived on the third placebo pill, and I'm still heavily bleeding on my last pill. Should I start the next pack right away, or wait until I've finished bleeding?

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