Akt 4 Daily Dose
UpdatedThe strip consists of 4 tablets. I was told that the red tablet has to be taken before food, but what about rest of the 3 tablets?
A TB paitent would like to know, how can he take akt-4 kit... please give your reply with details
Red tablet take morning empty stomch and three no. white tablet take after heavy breakfast one by one.
The AKT-4 Kit combines 4 essential TB drugs into one convenient dose package, so you can take them altogether, rather than getting a prescription filled for 4 separate drugs.
It contains:
1 tab of ethambutol 800 mg, isoniazid 300 mg, 2 tabs of pyrazinamide 750 mg, Each combipack contains 1 cap of rifampicin 450 mg
Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
1 tab of isoniazid 300 mg, 2 tabs of pyrazinamide 750 mg,----are these three tablets to be taken after an hour...or to be taken nytime after heavy food..plzzz reply me
Hi, I have an infection in my lymph gland with Mycobacterium and i was treated by AKT-4 by the doctor. The AKT-4 kit contains one red tablet, 2 identical white tablets and 1 white tablet which is little bigger than the other 2 idnetical tablets.
I was adiviced to have the red tablet in the morning before break fast, one among the 2 identical tablets after break fast, the bigger tablet in the afternoon and the remaining one in the night after dinner.
But some times, by mistake I took the bigger tablet in the night instead of taking it in the afternoon. So I want to know if it is fine if i take it in the night.
Thank you for your adivce.
me t.b patient.my age 20 male.this pain after 6 months.regular pain.please help...
i am taking a fertility treatment in a fertility centre in hyd. My husband count is 3 m because of which we went for icsi treatment but the result was negative. Then doctor suggested to go for biopsy in that report it was said i had infection in uterus. Doctor prescribed AKT4 in feb 10. I have taken tablets for 3 months then AKT 3 till SEPT 15th 2010. I went to docotor she scanned and said my endometrium is 7.5 again she asked me to continue with AKT 4, in the month of july 2010 my endometruim was 9. Know is it possible in future i will conceive.
Hi am completing tb dot treament this week. but am afraid of relapse csn you tell me any preventive mesures
I had no symptoms of TB but was detected with TB & advised to take AKT4.
After taking medication, a few weeks later, my body is heavily reliant on these tablets. If I delay in taking these medicines or do not eat my meals on time, I start catching fever & cough.
The doctor says its normal but I am worried.
Also, I forget to take my vitamin supplements sometimes and take the red pill after meal. Is it going to cause any problem?
My Doctoer has suggested
following tables
Can you answer the following qestion
how to take does of
1) tab akt-4 & what its effects in body
2) Gemcal DS & what its effect
3) Lanol ER - 650mg & what its effect
can you please guide me what are the consequencies if akt 4 was taken in the evening instead of morning????????
I had no symptoms of TB but was detected with TB & advised to take AKT4.
After taking medication, a few weeks later, my body is heavily reliant on these tablets. If I delay in taking these medicines or do not eat my meals on time, I start catching fever & cough.
The doctor says its normal but I am worried.
Also, I forget to take my vitamin supplements sometimes and take the red pill after meal. Is it going to cause any problem?
My Doctoer has suggested
following tables
Can you answer the following qestion
how to take does of
1) tab akt-4 & what its effects in body
i ask you that 3 tab. once upon a time or gaping time
I have been advised to take ATK 4 in the morning. One tablet before breakfast and balance after 2 hrs.. Can u pls confirm whether it should be taken after heavy breakfast or after 2 hours??
The red capsulse(rifampicin) should be taken one hour before breakfast or 3 hours after breakfast ,and the rest three tablets after breakfast....but whatever timings u maintain it should be followed everyday ,and take rifampicin only with water,not with milk or any other juice,as it is contraindicated in most of the things
akt 4 can use only t,b patents, ?, wht are the effects if 66 years old man takes?
hi i m suffering for Kidney Tuberculosis.... so my doctor suggested AKT-4 dose with vitamin pill....so i started my dose since last two days .. then i wnt to my blood, ECR and kidney function report....the report status was as below :
lymphocytes : H51 ( Should be 20-40)
Urine Color : AMBER
Epithelial Cells : DETECTED( occasional0
Red Blood Cells : 8-10
so can any one give a reason for of high lymphocytes..........!
Most Recent Replies:
Hi, I am a 31 year old man. My doc suggested AKT 4 for bilateral tubal blockage. Now my question is, I am taking the tablets on an empty stomach in the morning and after 2-3 hours taking the forth tablet, then after two hours the rest of the tablets, lasting the whole day till 10 pm. It has been more than one month now with the treatment and I am worried if this is the correct way of taking these tablets? Or is my body building up drug resistance? What to do now?
I am having brain meningitis with tuberculosis germs. I have taken AKT 4 tablets for 3 months and now I am taking AKT 2 tablets, so how long should I take it for?
My son is age 19. For the last 3 months he's had a cough. He took a montax test which was positive and the doctor had given akt4 tablets to take for 2 months. Then we go back for a checkup and he's given another 3 month course. In the meantime we checked the sputum test and it shows negative only. Should he continue taking the medicine continuously? pls advice.
i dont have any problem in my body but am only getting fever continuesly, even though my health is completely normal. Doctor adviced me to take AKT-4. Is it good i take this tables for fever for more the 3 weeks
Hi I am spine injured patient and I don't have bowel sensation and I can't walk and I diagnosed with gland tb. Doctor suggest me akt4 but after having the tab some strange feelings in my body and I can't control this tab power. I am weak day by day plz help me....
Patient is suffering from gland tuberculosis, wait is 40 kg, what the dose of AKT 4 and how to take?
Plse suggest how many month I will have to take AKT4
I too suffering from TB in heart so with that my heart surrounding filled with fluid and lungs n body in ankel n foot as well, so doctor suggested to take akt4 tablets for 9 months, then I took it. Now nothing got changes in fluid forming in the body.
Please suggest me what shall I do, with this my career got damaged and fearing about my future.
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