Akron, Canton, Youngstown Or Ohio Doctors Who Prescribe Opioids For Pain (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHello. I'm in severe pain. Need doctors from Youngstown Ohio Canton Akron + Cleveland + western Pa. My doctor got arrested now I'm left with no doctor. Anyone know where I could go? Please let me know. Thank you.
Re: Cathie (# 133)
Wow, I'm too sorry to hear about your troubles! Who was your Dr that got busted? You do realize there's this thing called "guilt by association". My Dr got in trouble then got out of it then the practice was bought out and my Dr let go. I was told that the following month I'd be on the new drs schedule but that never happened and my records were in the shuttered building. I tried all sorts of things finally contacted the medical board. They put me in touch with the Dr who said he had no idea what happened to my records. 3 years later someone suggested asking the sheriff to see about getting into the building for the records so you might want to get in touch with the sheriff. What clinic or Dr were you going to with the witch nurse? I'd try the pain clinic at st Elizabeth's. Or Trumball memorial hospital. The only other places are tiffany pain management and if you see the NP there you'll think the shady nurse was an angel and Drs pain management.
Re: Cat (# 134)
You are a wonderful person. Just sayin. Its refreshing to see positive anything.
Re: Keikee (# 135)
My doctor was busted as well but not for dispensing tons of medication. The whole practice was shut down. They deserved it.
Re: Joni (# 132)
Hi. As far as pain clinics go, there's Comprehensive Spine and Pain with Dr. Shah. He's in Akron, Ohio (the Summit Mall area). They have like 12 to 14 locations. I hope this helps you.
A great family physician would be Cynthia Delaura in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Actually, Cynthia would probably prescribe you what you need until you get to a pain doctor. She's amazing. And she cares. Good luck and please let us know.
Re: keikee (# 5)
Hello,a couple years ago you helped me out, I see you are determined to help as many people that need it,I still have my pump which has changed my life, I still see the same doc but I now go to hermitage you might help someone by passing on the information, thanks for being a great person, Tim
Re: Connie (# 140)
Hello there is a wonderful doctor in hermitage Pa if it's not too far for you, hope it helps
Re: Keikee (# 17)
Amen! So, so true about the DEA and its newfound Draconian policy regarding what is appropriate medical care for people suffering in a realm they know nothing about. And the buffoon currently in office is fueling the inferno...Try a concierge doctor (hopefully you're in CA, but the trend is spreading)
Re: keikee (# 1)
We should be able to help one another it shouldn't matter what site were on. There's a doctor he has his own practice there's a few doctors there as well.
The name of that is Comprehensive Pain Management. I think there all wonderful there. They have quite a few offices. Cuyahoga Falls Ohio. Kent Ohio. Wadsworth Ohio. Youngstown Ohio. And there's so many more.
Here's another one for you. Western Reserve pain management there in Cuyahoga Falls there's quite a few doctors in there as well. Very very nice establishment. And they care.
Dr. Maeda she's amazing she has her own office in Kent Ohio. Very very caring. Not sure if the spelling is correct on her name.
Stay away from Dr Shah he's in Fairlawn in Akron Ohio he's absolutely horrible. Bad bedside Manner and he could care less as long as he gets his money. That's all he's worried about.
I may be able to find out more if all of these don't work out for you. Good luck. I hope this helps you.
We're all in this together and like I said it shouldn't matter what site were on as long as we're able to help one another. We have to fight back somehow.
And in the Cleveland area there's a lot of pain management clinics and private doctors. Good luck. Please keep us updated if you use any of these doctors.
Hi Tim.
I just posted quite a few clinics and few doctors that you may be able to use. I hope this helps you out and I hope this helps so many because the doctors I did suggest are very good doctors and they care. Except for the one doctor I named, he could care less about anyone as long as he gets his cash. Good luck and if you need more I can get a few more names for you. Wishing you the best.
I posted a few Doctors about three posts up from yours. I hope this helps you. It seems like you just need a really good doctor my friend. And the doctors that I listed are absolutely fabulous. If you need telephone numbers please let me know and I can get them for you as well.
Wishing you the best always.
Re: Joni (# 132)
There's a wonderful Dr in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio. Her name is Cynthia Delora. She's on Graham Road in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio. Another really good doctor is Dr, Regan she's also in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio. They both will prescribe your pain medication until you can get into at a reputable pain clinic.
Good luck. Please please keep us updated.
Re: keikee (# 144)
If you're looking for a great Suboxone doctor and she so cares about her patients her name is Doctor Moleski in Streetsboro Ohio. She's absolutely fabulous. I know for a fact she's helped so many people with suboxone and addiction. Good luck.
Re: Beth (# 131)
Well whoever you decide to go to please stay away from a Doctor by the name of Dr,. Shah he's in Akron Ohio he cares nothing about his patients he's all about the money. And he has 2 nurse practitioners and they're nothing but his puppets and they could care less as well. Just horrible that doctors and nurse practitioners could give a rat's ass. Good luck.
Does anyone know of any good pain docotrs in ohio? Cincinnati or even up by columbus. I have been to two pain doctors and they have retired now and i have to find a doctor. I want to find a dr that will write anything and who is laid back. I am on roxy 30's 5/day, for my back. I have herniated discs and nerve damage in both legs from car accidents. Does anyone know of any doctors out here in ohio? Any suggestions would be appreciated! thank you.
With all due respect Meranda, good luck with your search for the Dr in Ohio who'll "write anything" and is "laid back". I can't be sure about Cincinnati/Columbus area but Northeast Ohio is going without pain management as far as Dr's taking on New patients. If I were in your shoes I'd ask my retiring doc to refer me to a colleague. If it's too late and your doc has closed shop, I'd like to offer my sincerest hopes and dreams that you're able to find what you described in your post earlier. Keep is posted!
Thanks! yea i just need to find another dr who will at least keep me on my meds that im currently on now. He just refered me to some random drs in area but i dont want them to change my meds or anything. Ive been to so many pain drs and they are all out of practice. Thanks for replying back! I will keep looking. Hopefully they wait isnt that bad! I have a dr in mind that is ok and does prescribe alot of stuff. But will keep trying to find one that i can get into quick.
Keikee, I got that pump in on April 4 since then I pretty much feel amazingly good!!!!! My leg that is, I just have to get more help for my lower back.I would definitely have anyone with severe leg pain to get the pump,hands down.Forget the simulators if they try pushing one of them.they don't do the job.On me that is!!!!! Great to hear from you, sorry I've been busy and only now got back to this blog.Good luck all, Tim
Mornin Cane0716! This you, T? Yes, I think so. We corresponded some time in March....... It's SO great to hear from you. And with decent news for yourself!!! Now I've something to smile about today...good things happening for a good person. Just the way things should work out I think. I know it was tough getting to this place tho. No doubt! Now, you can work on getting some relief for your back and the sooner the better. Thank you for letting me know how you're doing, T. Have a great day, it's certainly a beautiful one, that's for sure!
Hello I live in Warren oh and my doc passed away unexpected. I need to find a doc who writes meth. I have all exists and paper work to go with it but have been out of loop so long I needs little help. I am willing to to compensate for help.
Where at I Akron? If you don't.mind me asking. Hard to get in?
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