After You Use Glenmark Clotrimazole Does The Infection Come Back?
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Hi, when I went to the clinic the doctor gave me glenmark clotrimazole. I used it and after a few days everything was back to normal. Then after I was intimate with my boyfriend I saw redness on my vagina and it's itching again. I am also pregnant. Please advise.

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@Linda - Since you are pregnant it is possible that your hormonal and ph balance can be off, causing a recurrence of fungal infections. This is something to work with your OBGYN on so that they can carefully monitor your health during the pregnancy. Under normal circumstances the clotrimazole should help to clear up the fungal infection, and then as long as you are not providing an environment optimal for a recurrence, it should not come back. But as I mentioned, definitely check yourself and let your doctor know.

@Dinny - It sounds like your doctor gave you anaerobyl (an antibiotic), and clotrimazole (an antifungal) to treat what they believe to be an infection. I believe they should be helpful if you are dealing with either a bacterial or fungal infection. I would also recommend that you abstain from sexual activity during the treatment, take the medications as prescribed, and if you are not seeing any improvement promptly speak with your doctor. You want to make sure that you do not have a more serious condition. I hope this helps, and best wishes!

References: Clotrimazole (NIH), Anaerobyl (Searle)

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Hi. Every time I am intimate with my boyfriend I bleed and when I go to urinate after, my vagina hurts and I bleed a little. I am unable to move from the pain, and the clinic gave me Anaerobyl 200 and Glenmark Clotrimazole. Will those be helpful?

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