Advera Liquid Nutrition Forums
Recently active Advera Liquid Nutrition forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Advera Liquid Nutrition and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I weighed 116 lbs at 5'11 in 1986'. Look! This stuff saved my life. There were no answers to AIDS / GRIDS! "Gay-related Immune Disorder" (GRID) was wiping out millions! My friend has 4th stage colon cancer; She is dying much like I was. WHO DISTRIBUTES THIS PRODUCT in 2016? Thank you. ## I wish I could help, but Advera is the name of a drug manufacturer, who now seems to specialize in pharmaceutical analytics, not a medication itself, so I am not sure what medication you are talking about. Does your friend have AIDS, as well as cancer? What treatments are her doctors providing? According to the American Cancer Society, surgery may sometimes help, unless it has spread too much. There are also several medications available that can help.
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