Adipex Forums (Page 4)
Recently active Adipex forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Adipex and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Has anyone heard of the diet pill adipex well i heard it works really good. anyway my question is does anyone know if i can get these pills nuevo progresso mexico? ## Nuevo is a herbal supplement that surpress appetite. I hate these things but I have seen 3 peple very close to me lose over 10kg in 2 months. U can mail me if u would like more info. ## Adipex is available in the US by prescription only, it contains the active ingredient Phentermine. It has worked well for some people for aiding in weight loss, but it must be combined with exercise and a healthy diet. Common side effects may include: nausea, irritability, anorexia and headache. ## how do I go about getting them?
A small white oblong pill with blue speckles, line down the middle of backside only with a number 9 before and a number 9 after the slash - Is this Adipex-P? ## Pill Image Adipex P is Sustained Release Phentermine, this is a 37.5mg tablet, the standard dose. This is used for weight loss. ## i have taken adipex in the past in have ran across three different types of pills one is small and oval shape with blue dot and the other is a large tab with blue dots and the last one was long about 2cm with blue dots. which one is real.
Will adipex show up as meth in a drug test ## Well, most drug tests, just show it is being some type of Amphetamine and in that case, yes, Adipex would show as a positive, because it an Amphetamine class medication. Has this happened to you? This medication is commonly used as an appetite suppressant used to aid in weight loss. You can read more here: If you are taking it by prescription, you need to let them know this, have you done so?
Does anyone know why I can't get adipex 37.5 over the internet? I used to get it now it's like finding a needle in haystack! Anyone know why ## Does anyone know if i can get adipex in mexico? i heard these diet pills work real good and I dont have insurance or anything to go to the doctor ## This is a prescription only medication in the U.S., so acquiring it outside the country is illegal. Have you looked into free clinics and generic alternatives? ## You Sure can it's Called Axcion
resembles a m360 hydrocodone but is plain (no #'s and foreign shipped). possibly a speed of some type? ## Being from a foreign source and with no markings, there is no possible way to positively identify it. ## kinda what I thought but was worth a try..Do u have any suggestions? will pharmacies or some other independent company test them? thanks for replying ## You'd have to pay for the testing, there are various labs all over the country that can do it, but pharmacies are not equipped to do it.
This is a round white pill with (looks like )2 smiley ( )) ) above the number 10. The smile things are side by side above the #10.This pill came in a blister pack labeled Adipex and came from India.It also spells on the blister pack Phentermine/Phenteramine,with an A.I took one of these pills and I swear it was a tranquilizer.Awful.Please help.
Updatedbought capsules online, they are white and name ## i am just too overweight. i need to loose some of this fat. it is bad for my health. ## i dont have a written prescription for adipex p. ## can i still get the adipex p without the written prescription..