Adipex Forums (Page 3)
Recently active Adipex forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Adipex and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I've been taking adipex with great success for about 6 months. How long can I take the medication? I've lost 40 pounds and would like to lose 5-10#s more. But I would like to continue taking adipex. It gives me great energy, focus and suppresses my appetite throughout the day nicely. ## Hello, Louise! How are you? I'm so glad that this medication has been working for you. However, only your doctor can tell you how long it is safe for you take it. Much of it depends on your and your overall health. This medication can cause elevated heart rate and blood pressure, which may make it necessary to stop taking it. It is also contraindicated with some medical conditions. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include headache, nausea, irritability and insomnia. Is t...
You google this weight loss well aid... and all you see are these side effects... are they just trying to freak everyone out, and are these SIDE EFFECTS very rare.. or what??? i mean how many just normal people take them... or has everyone dropped dead from them... I hate people that just try to freak you out, so you buy there herbal crap... just be truthful and say if it works or not. simple as that. SO does it work... and how much have people lost???? ## Is a possible side effect of Adipex 37.5 facial acne breakouts?
My Dr.has me on 1mg. Xanax 3 times a day but I only take it at night religiously. I've taken 1 during the day around 4 times during the whole year. Sincerely, Shirley ## Hi Shirley, According to's drug interaction checker, there are no interactions found between Adipex-P (Phentermine) and Xanax (Alprazolam). I cross referenced this on other webpages as well, which led to the same conclusion. Based off this, my opinion is that you should be fine taking the two together. However it's always best to double check with your doctor before taking anything extra that he/she may have not prescribed or recommended as a part of your regimen. I hope this helps!
how long does adipex stay in your urine for a drug test, i drank water and pop before test? ## Adipex contains the active ingredient Phentermine and it's usually detectable in urine for about 2 days, after last dosing. Learn more Adipex details here. The precise time frame, however, will vary from person to person, depending on your overall health, activity levels, fluid intake and etc. Are there any other questions or comments? ## i have to take drug test due to being on suboxene for opiate adfiction i tested neg a yr now dr gave me adipex today to loose weight and idk how long it shows in urine cause although wrote for me my dr trratn opiate addiction is against meds to lose he rhinks working out eatn no meds worried whats gonna happem if i fail i got 1 wk startn today. really fre...
How long will impotence last after I stop taking apidex? ## Hello, Jaime! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem that you're having. Most men have said it only took about a week for things to return to normal. If it doesn't, then you should get things checked out to make sure you don't have some other problem going on. Is there anything else I can help with?
This is the only time I've ever taken a diet pill. It happened early in the morning and wasn't paying attention and grabbed wife's prescription instead of my own. Just so happens I had a preemployment screening approx. 80 hrs afterwards. I was so concerned after learning what it could show up as I drank lots of water. Will I be okay? We are both stressed and sad. Can anyone help?
Updatedadipex is a diet pill it's white with blue dots I want brand only no phenermine Adipex only please help I can't find a legit site it used to be all over now nothing anything u can tell me I would be grateful please help where can I order it? ## cant find 'brand' adipex myself tried all the generics and a big NO GO I am with you this is crazy the generics are definetly generic and a waste noone out here i can find has the real deal and no doctors are prescribing it let me know if you find the real deal ## The generic contains the same active ingredient as the name brand. The name brand is going to be hard to find and very expensive. ## exactly my point to generics do not have the same effects as brand name i would like to no where adipex is myself no prescription ## The r...
Can anyone one tell me about a doc that's more likely to prescribe adipex to obese and morbidly obese people. I'm 5'3.5" tall and right now I weigh in at 300lbs. I live in Wrens,Ga ## Hi, Shay! How are you? Any doctor you find that prescribes it is also going to want you to couple it with a healthy diet and exercise plan. Learn more Adipex details here. And the best doctor to see to get help will most likely be a weight loss specialist. Have you checked for any in your area? When using a medication like this, which acts as a stimulant, they have to be very careful that your overall health is good, so the medication doesn't put you in extreme danger. It can also cause side effects, such as headache, irritability and anorexia. ## well it meds have put her in extrem dan...
I've just started taking k44 and I was wondering the side effects? & I was also wanting to know are they stronger than adipex? ## I a currently taking one adipex pill a day for the last few months which is prescribed by my doctor for weight loss. my question is i have two refills but i got them filled on october 18th so i was wondering if anyboy knows if i will have a problem getting a refill since i am technically five days early and i dont have anymore. i live in nj, thanks for any responses. ## @Vin (the thread starter), "K 44" is listed as containing the active ingredient Diethylpropion hydrochloride (25 mg). Regarding side effects, this medication may cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, dizziness, depression, anxiety, feeling restless, and unfortunat...
Hello everybody I have a question that I was curious if maybe somebody can answer, I have been on 37.5 adipex once a day for three months and was wondering if I can get my refill today.Its five days early so i dont know if my pharmacist will refill it for me. I was wondering if anybody got a presription early without a problem.I know all states are different.I live in NJ. Thanks!! I finished my pills already thats why im asking. ## Hello, Hailey! How are you? How did you end up running out early? Adipex contains the active ingredient Phentermine, which does have some potential for abuse, so they may not fill it early for you. Learn more Phentermine details here. Your best bet is to check with your pharmacy.
I had a perscription filled for adipex. I was given the generic brand phetemine. The first time I got it filled it was a white pill with very light and not many blue dots. The second time it was much thinner with a lot of dark blue spots. Why were they different and do the blue dots represent the strength? ## Do these pills have the letter V on oneside and 50/30 on the other side? ## Yes the more blue specks you have the stronger the pill is. ## Will adipex show positive for methamphetamines in a urinalysis?
I would like to place an order for adipex 37.7 ml ## If your intent is to order medications that require a prescription, such as Adipex (Phentermine), then there is really no guaranteed safe and legal way to do so here in the U.S. outside of the standard "doctor-visit" procedures. In my opinion, there are many more hazards involved when you order online from a non-legitimate site; such as not receiving what you ordered and just being scammed out of your money, or getting something that isn't even the medication you ordered (and you end up accidentally taking it). All I'm really saying is that their not required under any law or jurisdiction to actually give you what you pay for. Do you need help finding a doctor in your area that will write you a script? ## I agree with ...
I want o purchase adipex online,problem is ,I can't find anyone that excepts money orders ,all the ones I found except credit cards only,can anyone help? ## Where can I purchase brand Adipex? I can't find any legit sites please help me ## Do you need a perscription? ## I am prescribed Phentermine MP273, also brand name adipex ## hi...i'm trying to buy also adipex but i can't find it in europe.which site did you find them online?i really need it!!! ## I NEED TO BUY SOME DIET PILLS,LIKE GOOD ONES.I LIVE IN EUROPE.HOW CAN I HAVE THEM?PLEASE HELP ## Can I have more information?
I'm a 24 yo male. I am 5'9'' and weigh 340lbs. I also have high BP and take cozaar for it. I use to play football in high school. When I started my freshman year I weighed 220lbs so basically I have never really been small. and my senior year I played at 260-270lbs (some of the added weight was muscle), but by no means was it all. I have tried many different diets and exercise programs and usually can lose 30-40 lbs but that is it then I just stop losing the weight. I just seem to never be able to get past that mark. I really am looking for something to jump start me and get me past this point that has been my nemesis in the past and i think that adipex may be the answer. Like I said before the dieting and exercise don't scare me but when I am working hard for no res...
Is one allowed to operate a Commercial Motor Vehicle if they are prescribed Adipex? Or is it a violation of the Federal Commercial Motor Carrier Regulations? Will Adipex come up on a random lab analysis? ## I don't know the commercial motor vehicle laws. The best advice I can give there is to contact your state DOT and check the details with them, they should know even in regards to federal laws. As to the Adipex, it contains the active ingredient Phentermine and, while it isn't actually checked for on routine lab work, it has been known to appear in test results for Amphetamines. ## Thank you for your post. I appreciate all your input.
I'm on adipex for weight loss and percoicet for pain from a resent brain surgery. I'm now looking for a job and want to know if when I take a drug test, what is going to show up and if this can fail me. ## They can't fail you, if you have a valid prescription for them. You just need to inform them of it, when you go in for testing. Learn more Percocet details here. Learn more Adipex details here. Are there any other questions or comments?
Trying to id a white oblong pill with red & blue specks. It kind of looks like an adipex. I can't make out imprint but looks like ipi 35. What is it? ## After trying several different variations of "ipi 35" I haven't been able to locate a match in any of the U.S. prescription drug databases. Odds are that it could be either manufactured outside of the U.S. or that it is an over the counter medication, as OTC meds aren't required to be listed in the drug databases. If you're able to, I would consider taking the pill over to your local pharmacy and having it analyzed by their team to see if they can come up with anything. Also double check the marking if you think there's more to it than what you stated.
My friend gave me a pill white with blue dots on it is it adapack/ ## Did you mean Adipex, which contains the active ingredient Phentermine? It's used an appetite suppressant. If that's the case, are there any markings on the tablet? It is only the markings that would enable us to identify it for you. ## Yes it is, and the side effects are horrible and you gain all your weight back plus more when you stop taking them.
Can you take adipex and fioricet together? what side effects would i have taking them at the same time? is it safe? ## Adipex contains Phentermine and the Fioricet contains Acetaminophen, Butalbital and Caffeine. There are no interactions listed, but you should check with your doctor or pharmacist to be certain. The main concern that I would have would be stomach irritation, so you may want to try taking them an hour or two apart, rather than at the exact same time. Another issue that you may run into is the fact that the Phentermine works like a stimulant, so that with the Caffeine in the Fioricet could cause some insomnia, jitteriness and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with?
I went for a job interview and they hired me upon the completion of a drug test. It was a urine test and I failed and the only thing it could be is a diet pill I am taking (Adipex) or phentermine 37.5...I did not take one the day of the test but they said I failed and it went out for testing this was Friday and I have not heard back all day today..3 days later..I am worried as this job I need. I have a prescription from the doctor and they did copy you think i will be ok? ## Well, not taking one the day of the test wouldn't help, because you'd been taking it for awhile and since Phentermine is an Amphetamine class medication, it would still show up in your urine for as long as 5 days, afterwards. However, if you have a prescription for it, they can't use it as a reaso...