Adipex: A Good Start
UpdatedI just want to share my adipex expierence. I took the 37.5 mg strength for 3 months and lost 20 pounds. Not the most, but it's a great start. I also started exercising-Zumba 2x a week, walks, swimming, etc. It isn't easy but if you are dedicated you will see results. I was scared to start the medication & searched forums just like these for people's opinions. The medication made my mouth dry (drink lots of water) and sometimes made me jittery/hyper but other than that I felt fine on the medication. My doctor wants me to come back in 6 months to start again (Ohio) but I think I will just continue to drop weight steadily through diet and exercise. Just with losing 20 pounds I feel so much of a difference. I have more energy & stamina & have seen great toning results by doing Zumba. Please be careful on this medication but know that it will serve as a great starting point. I also took 1/2 tablet (to taper down) my last week to avoid side effects/withdraw. One more word of advice: many ins. companies do not cover it, so ask if the pharmacy you go to has any discount cards. If you are polite you might get help. I brought in a discount card at Walgreen's and it brought the price down almost $10. You just have to ask. Good luck to you all.
11 Replies
I'm very glad that it worked for you and great job on both the weight loss and exercise. Your posting your experience to share with others is also greatly appreciated.
Learn more Adipex details here.
One thing that I've noticed is that many people just want a miracle weight loss drug that will work magically, while they continue on in a sedentary lifestyle with atrocious eating habits and it just doesn't work that way.
It's great that you've made other changes to help yourself, rather than just relying on the medication.
Are there any questions or comments?
Has anyone else had a good experience with this medication?
I've been on adipex for 27 days now and have lost 12lbs & 5+ inches.
I've been battling some clinical depression for the last 1-1/2 yrs and had gained 40lbs on meds- gotta love that "increase your appetite" side effect. I was at my absolute heaviest before the weight gain, and mentioned weight gain to my doc, but didn't complain about it because I knew I needed the meds and felt better with them, even with the extra lbs. At a checkup we were discussing that my meds seemed to be losing effectiveness so my doctor said, "that could be b/c of the weight gain- how about I give you these which will decrease your appetite and probably give you an energy boost". I really HATE prescription drugs and prefer to be as holistic as possible when possible and all the discussion of side effects, etc definitely scared me. I made sure that I very carefully watched my blood pressure and kept detailed logs of side effects. Just dry mouth for me-so I drink extra H2O! I did have a chronic headache the first 3-4 days on it. (I was avoiding caffeine too) Used a sleeping aid for the first 7-9 days until my body was adjusted to extra energy and I was in a healthy sleep pattern. I noticed others mentioning constipation as a side effect so pay careful attn to my diet and fiber intake. I had to force myself to eat the first week, a reason to be tracking daily intake.
I LOVE IT & am so grateful for this opportunity. I know this isn't a long term solution, so I'm really trying to make the most of it. I use MyFitnessPal to track my food intake and exercise. It really reminds me to think and move, a very useful tool to help establish healthy habits.
I did fall off the wagon last week and didn't eat as well or exercise at all, but am refocused again now. I follow a 1200-1500 cals/day diet, with vitamin supplements. (C, Omega 3, Mulit-V, B) Trying to not injure or stress my overweight, out of shape body; I mostly walk and do lots of yoga stretching and resistance work with elastic bands. I'm ready to step up my cardio & want to add a good barre workout.
I just started adipex this week and am getting nauseous especially in the morning. Does anyone know what I can do to stop the nausea?
does anyone know of a Doctor in Southeast MI that prescribes Adipex for weight loss?
Diet results Livonia, MI Dr. Nagler
Dr.raval on Pennsylvania I'm not sure if it's riverview or wyandotte just gave me rx for it
Looking for a doctor in Fairlawn/Cleveland area. Does anyone know one?
Hi just seeing if adipex really works. I have hyperthyroidism so not sure if I can take this?
Re: Pam (# 7)
Did you have any luck finding a doc in the Cleveland/Akron Ohio area to prescribe it?
Hey meg, curious who the Dr is in Ohio u are using ? I am looking for one
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I took Adiprx for about 4 months from my cardiologist weight loss program. You lose about 8-10 months and then after 3 full months it basically stops working. No side effects, no withdrawal or taper needed for me. It’s no magic bullet. The weight comes right back without changing lifestyle habits.
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