Adderallxr Pill Imprint (brand)
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My insurance only pays for the brand Adderall pills and does not support the generic. The doctor started me off with 20mg of XR daily. After a couple weeks, those didn't seem to work as well so she upped my dose to 30mg XR. I was looking at the 20mg and comparing what they looked liked to the 30mg. The 20mg had on them M.Salts or something like that the name Adderall wasn't listed anywhere. Both pills are oblong and orange; the 30mg says AdderallXR 30mg right on the pill. What disturbs me is that the name on the 20 mg pill is the generic name and if this is the case, I want my ridiculous co pay back. On the side of the pill bottle where it talks about what the pill should look like, it says orange, oblong, AdderallXR 20mg. Isn't this illegal? I called the pharmacy and he opened a new bottle of AdderallXR 20mg and they had the M.Salts name and said that they must have changed the name??? This doesn't make since, since the same pharmacy (different location) dispensed me the 30mg with the brand name listed.
Has anyone had this problem and if so how did they solve it? If it is indeed generic and was supposed to be brand, I would say that this is highly, highly illegal. Tons of people are allergic to the fillers in generic pills.
4 Replies
Im looking for a pharmacy in southern california who carries Adderall 20 mg tablets. They seem to be on back order everywhere.
My insurance company only covers my prescription if I have a diagnosis on file with them that my doctor has told them I have ADD. I was on it a couple years ago and just recently got put back on it and they were not covering anything. So when I called they told me the diagnosis was still on file but that it has to be renewed every year. I would call your insurance and find out if this is something that you can do.
My wife has been on Adderall 30mg XR for 7 years and she needs it to be able to function during the day. When she doesn't take it, she has no energy to function at all. She has not been insured for about 4 months now. None of the health insurance companies will cover the Adderall 30mg XR. Do you know any way to get insurance to cover this prescription?
First off, there are also fillers that people are allergic to in name brand drugs. Just because they are name brand, doesn't mean they don't still use fillers, they have to use them.
As to the medication, no, you did not receive a generic.
The company, Shire, that makes the name brand just switched the marking on some of their pills and no, no one broke the law.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
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