Adderall Urinalysis Effects
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I took 2 x 30mg Adderall pills. My company has a urinalysis in 3 days, will I bust the 100ng limit. I weigh 197 lbs and am in athletic shape

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It will show up 100%, they are not checking levels they are checking for drugs and you will come up positive for amphetamines. There is no way around this so you have to have a reason why you took them. They are not the problem of a drug addict when thats the only thing showing up. almost all blue collared professionals took them in college so I'm guessing there is a reason similar to those of someone who needs extra energy and concentration to blame. I'm sure they were not prescribed to you if you are worried so the only thing you can do is say exactly what the drug was and why you took it. Professionals don't frown upon adderall like you may think but if they are looking for any reason to cut some people loose then you may be in trouble.

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There many other factors that go into determining what your level may be, such as your activity levels, fluid intake, your overall health, metabolism and etc. so, I really can't say for sure.

Learn more drug testing details here.

It usually remains detectable for approximately 5 days and the time period can also vary depending on those other factors I mentioned, but that's really the most precise information I can give you on it.

Does anyone else know anything more precise than this?

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