Adderall Out Of Stock Cvs (Top voted first)


My 11 y/o is on Adderall and when I went to CVS the other day, was told they don't have any. I have called two other pharmacies to find out they don't have it either. This happened a couple of years ago and we couldn't get any for weeks. It seems there is no recourse or way around this problem, and it is shocking that no one (Dr, pharmacy, pharmaceuticals) seems to be in touch with this issue of how it affects the patient when all of a sudden they do not have their medication. The body should be weaned slowly and an abrupt discontinuation can really affect the patient.

We try to not give him Adderall one or two days over weekends whenever possible, and then store the extra. In our case, we are lucky at this time that we have some back-up!

One CVS here in Orlando, FL just told me they expect to have some next week.

4 Replies

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I have been having this problem every month for almost a year. I have to sit down and call over 30 pharmacies to see if anyone has any 30MG generic adderall, orange oval pill... and this month I can't find any at all for either one of us. I have called, CVS, WalMart, HEB, now I am going to start calling Target, and other grocery stores. I can't believe that the manufacturers continue to let this happen. I am calling them tomorrow since it is too late tonight. Will let you all know if I learn anything.

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I don't know the milliagram of what he is currently prescribed. But, instead of 1 tablet that is 20 mg, maybe his dr can write his rx for 2 10 mg. You do need to talk to his dr about this.

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A note I'd like to add is that since this medication is a controlled substance that can be addictive and is frequently abused, most pharmacies are not going to give you a truthful answer, if you just call them and ask if they have it. They have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate customer with a need, or a potential thief, so most will just say that they do not have it. The only way to get an accurate answer, in most cases, is by physically going to the pharmacy with the prescription in hand.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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My Walgreens in Appleton WI told me they were out of generic Aderall also and there was no recourse. Said they were limited to a set amount of the med no matter how many scripts of ityou they regularly fill. This is just CRAZY! I went to another pharmacy to have my generic Aderall filled -they scolded me for not keeping all my scripts in one place, and gave me the round, pink, 30mg tabs mfg'd by Corepharma LLC. The pink pills give me insomnia and cause me to grit my jaw/grind teeth, extreme muscle tension and of course headaches. I AM miserable and barely functioning. Can't wait to get my regular orange oval tabs back - mfg'd by "BARR".

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