Adderall Xr 20mg. Blue Capsule (Page 5)
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Pharmacy recently switched me to new generic brand (blue capsule) of adderall XR. I have never seen this brand and I don't feel like it is effective. I lack concentration and focus, recurring symptoms of ADHD. Anyone else experience this?

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I recently went to the doctor this week. I've been taking the orange capsule "amphetamine salts" adderall xr 20 mgs. for the last year. They are great definently help in treating ADD. So this week I recently had my prescription increased to two of the pills a day. I took it to the phamacy, CVS, where they filled it with the new generic. Confused, I tried it and realized its not the same. For some reason you still can't concentrate. I took it and went to school and literally LOST MY KEYS. Just all over the place. So I took them back to my doctor and she wrote a new script for them with "dispense as written" well that was going to cost $1000 so obviously not an option. Now I went back today and am going to try taking the barr which is the tablet form and not an extended release 3x a day. Ugh just so disgusted with it. Does anyone know if you still have the option to get the Orange generic pills?? CVS seriously pissed me off the tech even had the nerve to say something to me about the scripts. When i'm actually losing money because of this. It also seems as though most of the stores are carrying the new blue kind because I asked the Walmart pharmacy and they were as well. This new kind sucks and my doctor said the only thing that has to be the same in the generic form is the active ingredient. Everything else is allowed to be different which is possibly why this pill does not seem to work well for most people because maybe it processes differently with different fillers?? No clue but can anyone help with some information on an easier way to obtain the orange generic xr's. I live in Ohio and we do not have a Publix where I live.

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Oh my Goodness! I was so frustrated because I have. Been a Mess! Exhausted, Spacey, Irritated and unable to focus or stay on task. I have been taking the stupid Blue Adderall that the pharmacy gave me instead of the orange one that i used to take. I am upset that those of us that have add or Adhd have to suffer because someone wants to Jack up medicine for whatever reason and pharmacies don't discountinue using it for whatever reason. I Have had 3 months of hell! Seeing my doc. Next week!

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The blue pill is making my son nauseated... So I'm switching back to the other pills.... Hate the blue....

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Hello All. This is Jackie. Thought I'd ck back to see if there were addtional postings since mine. I see there are several. Wish we could do something before someone gets hurt from depression do to this awful medication that is making so many ppl sick. Its so sad. Please don't use it. I felt so bad on it until I wanted to give up. I was a mess!

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Wow! So glad to find this thread, not that I really needed verification that the 20 mg blue generic pill is AWFUL and does not work! I've been taking the orange pill as long as it's been out for narcolepsy, was on brand name prior to that and dextroamphetamines prior to that. 25+ years of successful medication treatment of narcolepsy until this blue impostor came along! I first received this in October, had an awful month where I thought I was just "off" all month. Mentioned to my sleep doc, she said the blue is a new generic and maybe doesn't work as well, manufacturer has allowable efficacy range of +/- 10%-15%. When it came time to fill Nov. scrip, asked pharmacy if they could give me the orange pills, when they said no I found another pharmacy that could. With the orange I was able to rejoin humanity in all its glory and felt fine again. Get to February and OH NO! New pharmacy is only carrying blue impostors now. What the hey, I'll give it another go. Bad news. 3 days of wanting to sleep all day, bad headaches and the urge to physically harm my husband. Took back to the pharmacy today, pharmacist told me I'm the first to report such problems, but will try to get me the orange ones again. I have to pay cash for my scrip so am especially ticked to pay $140 for non functioning product! Pharmacist seems willing to help though, and I'm printing this thread to bring to him. The blue pills SUCK!!!

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I was switched to these blue generic 20mg adderall's in dec, 2012. I noticed something different the first week. A month later I'm half way through my second bottle of these blue capsules. I was feeling depressed more often then when I was using the orange gen. I'm a lot more tired and unmotived. And I have this wierd pressure in my head that I didn't have with the orange generic. Not to mention ive had a short temper as well. I'm calling my pharmacy tomorrow and if they can't get the orange ones ill go somewhere else. In the meantime I'm thinking of stopping them all together.

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I have the same problem. I just started my dosage again after 3 years and am taking the blue pill. It was weird at first but I thought with the 10 dollar co-pay it was a deal. Took it that day and meh not really any more noticeable effects than an energy drink as opposed to the old orange generic that focused me and didnt make me feel laggy. Just extremely different all the way around. Going to the pharmacy to fix this tomorrow. I'll pay the extra 15 dollars to get the right drug.

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I knew i wasnt crazy! These blue pills are horrible! Headaches, bright lights suck, pressure on my eyes, and just overall a dirty feeling. I dont focus, i get mad, i stare off into oblivion for most of the tome im on them. Im so glad i looked into this and know to ask for the brand name. The lady at the pharmacy insisted i save money and take the generic, said they were the same. Boy is she wrong. Im gonna print this blog out and give it to her. Cant wait to get my oranges back!

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I was (am back on) the 'generic' orange ones, which seem to work fine.:)

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So glad I found this! I have been off my prescription for about a year and recently got my prescription started again, and decided to give the generic a try. It is awful!! I remember being so full of energy and focus last year when I used them. I thought they would get better, but four days in and I feel depressed and lethargic. Seems to make my focus worse. Calling my pharmacy tomorrow.

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i'm just one more person who just a few days ago realized that my recent increase in symptoms might be due to this blue pill as well. I took old leftover orange ones that i had in my car for the last few days, and whar a difference! i'm talking to my Dr. amd my pharmacy this week. the blue pills are just as bad as not having any at all! I'm glad i wasn't imagining this.

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Oops, I Didn't mind.

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UPDATE: I called my dr's office and they told me to ask the pharmacy to refill my next prescription with my previous generic orange pill, which I did. I spoke to a pharmacist who explained that they started using the blue ones because they were having problems with not enough to fill orders. I told her @ googling and finding posts with people having the same issue. She asked if I wouldn't mind her giving my name and number to the pharmaceutical company that makes the blue pill, especially since others are having the same problems. I did mind and when a rep called, she asked a few basic questions (like age, gender, and side effects). Hopefully others can do the same, so they can figure out this pills issues. Obviously, my pharmacy did refill with my old generic. Hope it helps.

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Wow... I'm so glad I'm not the only one... Refilled my script at a local CVS, and when I took it home and opened the bottle... It wasn't my usual orange capsule... but I looked at the bottle... looked at the pill... and yup... it's the right drug and the right dosage... so I've been taking this Blue pill for about 6 weeks now and the difference is so noticable it's ridiculous... I knew something was off the second day I took it... It's just not the same... Someone PLEASE... Do something... It doesn't work...

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I called my Dr's office today about these blue pills. Im prescribed to take one 20mg at 10 and one 10mg at 4. 20's were the fake blue ones, so to avoid that i got a new prescription to get 90 10mgs, 2 in am a in pm. good way to avoid these generic scams. hope it helps, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!! they will help

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Took my first blue pill today after my insurance coverage changed. i immediately felt like i was waiting for my adderall to kick in, which only complicated my adhd as it is. if anything it worsens your attention whyll taking it. calling my dr's tomorrow to get my orange back. took me like an hour to type this on the blue junk

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What a joke this blue pill is. I have been one hot mess ever since using it. I thought it was another medication and just yesterday it darned on me that it could be this blue pill. One reason I couldn't figure it out was because the pharmacist didn't have enough to fill the reg. generic and offered me this one to complete the order. I agreed. So I had some of both in the same bottle. Some days I was taking the blue and other days the reg. one. Therefore I couldn't pin point it. All I can say is it needs to come off the market. I was depressed and couldn't figure out what had happened to me. I did nothing for two days but watched TV. Then this weekend I had the same feeling and one day at work. After talking about it to a friend, I said - wonder if it could be this new blue pill. After looking this up and found others having issues - I am sure this is my problem. No more for me. I have used adderall for about 3 yrs now so I knew it was more to this drama. Thanks to all of you for your comments. Please - lets all stop using this deadly stuff. There are some folks that are probably just starting it and don't know what to compare it to. Trust me, if it makes you depressed - its not good. God bless you all!

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Im having the same problem. My family was telling me its the same as the orange. I stay sleepy. It feels like I haven't even took one. Im glade to know that im not the only one who can tell the difference.

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Oh my gosh, I am so happy to read this, I thought it was just me!! I've been on this blue pill now for almost 3 months!! I kinda felt stupid (like I was crazy & imagining it) until I told my fiancé, who said his friend said the same thing! I definitely am calling my dr's office tomorrow. Thank you!

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I finished my orange capsules on Sunday the 25th and took my first blue pill today. I take 20 mg. XR for narcolepsy and today alone have had 3 sleep attacks. I've also been nauseous and thought I was sick. E-mailing my doctor's nurse to see if I can get a new script for the name brand. Might as well not take anything if this is the effect of the generic blue capsules.

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