Adderall In Hair Test
UpdatedI took one 20 mg adderall xr about two weeks ago, and i potentially have a hair drug screening in the next 4-5 weeks. I realize tests go back 90 days but is a one time use enough to fail? I have taken some diet pills in the last few weeks, would that increase my chance of failing? Ive been told some diet pills contain amphetamines...
5 Replies
A hair test can actually go back much longer than 90 days, depending on the length of your hair, though the detectable levels may not be as precise.
As to the diet pills, it depends on what's in them and yes, you can still fail the test if you took the Adderall and don't have a prescription for it, even with just one tablet.
Are there any other questions or comments?
I took one 20 mg adderall. Is that enough to fail a hair follicle test?
I haven't taken an aderal since November last year. I took a 20 mil. Pill bout a month before hair falicle test. Will I fail?
One time use will not show up. Your link also did not refer to drug testing at all
I know this thread is old, but did you pass the hair test? I'm in a similar situation and freaking out.
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