Adderall Ir Dosing Question
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Does taking 15mg adderall twice a day equal out to 30 IR the whole day or is it 15 mg due to spreading out during the day?

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Hello A,

So this might get a little confusing but I'll do my best to keep it as simple as possible.

Drugs have something called a half life cycle which is the duration that it takes your body to metabolize half of the active ingredients in your blood stream. It is generally accepted that it takes 4-6 half cycles to completely remove all of the active ingredients.

With this in mind we can do a small math problem but first we have to set up the conditions of our situation. Let's assume that you are taking this medication 8 hours apart, once at noon and then another at 8pm. Let's also assume for the sake of your question that this is your first time taking adderall and the only doses you intend to take.

Adderall has a half life cycle of 8 hours, this means that when you administer your first dosage you will have 15 mg of adderall in your blood stream for the first 8 hours. At the 8 hour mark half of the active ingredient has been metabolized leaving you with 7.5 mg of adderall in your blood stream, but now you're taking the second dosage so you have approximately 22.5 mg of adderall in your blood stream. So the maximum amount of adderall that would be in your system at one time for this specific situation is 22.5mg.

On the other hand if you were to take a 30mg dose of adderall it would all be in your system at once and come down to approximately 15mg at the 8 hour mark. So you can see that there is actually a difference between the two.

Now the difference is really going to show when you start taking your following days of dosages.

Assuming the same situation but changing the condition that you plan on taking this medication continuously you can start to see drastic changes in how much adderall is in your blood at one time.

For example. Going off of our first example you can assume that when you wake up the next day and go to take your medication at noon approximately 16 hours has passed since your last dosage, that is 2 additional half life cycles so your first dosage is now down to approximately 2mg of adderall and is one cycle from being completely removed from your system. The second dose you took the previous day is now down to approximately 3.5 mg of adderall and two cycles away from being out of your system.

This leaves you with 5-6mg of adderall in your blood stream so when you administer your daily dose at noon this bumps you up to 20-21mg of adderall at noon. Then bumps you to 25mg of adderall in your blood stream when you take your 8pm dosage. This cycle will continue for as long as you are taking this medication daily.

On the other hand the 30mg dosage once a day will look the same as it did the first day as you will have gone 4 half life cycles since your last dose and thus there should be little to no adderall left in your blood stream. While it may seem beneficial to have the higher dosage of adderall in your system keep in mind that when you wake up there will be no adderall in your system until you take your dosage.

I hope this helps.

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It equals 30mg total for that 24 hour period. Kind of confused by your question.

Whatever you have taken (total) over a 24 hour period is how much you've taken "a day".

If your doctor prescribes 15mg twice a day then those doses should be separated by 4-6 hours.

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