Adderall Hair Test
UpdatedSo I took 10 mg of adderall on two separate back to back weekends in 5 mg doses over a month ago and had a haircut the following weekend. I potentially have a hair test coming in the next week or two. It's a pre-employment screen for a position I was offered through a staffing agency so it could be any of the tests. I also have a haircut scheduled for this week (wedding this weekend). If I show up and find out it's a hair test will I hit the cutoff for a positive test or will the concentration be below the 300pg/ml or whatever the cutoff is?
A hair drug test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample, cut at the scalp line, will go back 90 days. My best guess is that you will be negative as that amount is not enough to show up on a Hair 5 Drug Panel test. But the only true way to tell is to do your own Anonymous Hair 5 Drug Panel test.
Did you pass?? I'm in the same situation... (Will be just under 90 days clean when I'm tested, only took a 20 mg)
Nervous, if you only did 1, 20 mg it won't show up on a hair drug test.
I took 3 30 mg adder all in the last 2 months will it show up if I take a 10 panel hair follicle test today ?
Blahhh , I don't think that is enough to show up on The Hair 5 Drug Panel test.
It's a 10 panel hair test I just had it done I'm just nervous
I am in the same boat. What happened with you?? I hope it's good news.
3-4 months back I took Adderall 30mg for 30 days, then 6-7 weeks ago took it again for 4 days, then four days ago for 3 days. Will this affect a hair follicle drug test within the next couple weeks?
My best guess is that you will be positive for amphetamine since adderall is it that category.
Re: Beth (# 7)
Was curious if you passed your test? I am in the same situation.
Re: Worried (# 10)
I passed mine. I had taken 40 mg. maybe 7-10 days before the test. I've come to the conclusion, after several hair follicle tests, that you only test positive if you are doing something on a regular basis. Hope this helps.
Re: Beth (# 11)
I meant 120 mg. Sorry about that. I took 4, 30 mg. XR's the prior to my hair follicle test.
I took a 30 mg dose of adderall on Sunday afternoon. It's the only time I ever have. I worked 20 hours straight. Tomorrow (Wednesday) I have a hair follicle test. Will I fail?
Re: Lynnlynn (# 13)
I passed mine after taking 120 mg. Of adderall 7 days before my test. You should be ok.
what happened with your 10 panel hair test?
Took a hair follicle test for a custody hearing and I tested positive for amphetamine. I have a prescription for adderall but don’t understand the levels. I take 20mg twice a day. Is 10934 pg/mg about right for me? I also take Wellbutrin.
Re: Eric (# 16)
I doubt if even a doctor can make that call. It's hard to equate the amount taken in with the results. My best guess is that for the amount you take per day the 10934 seems correct. Only a Medical Review Officer (MRO) can make that decision. An MRO is a doctor trained to interpret drug tests and give his/her opinion on the results.
I took 7-8 20 mg adderall about 4 days ago, and I have to take a hair follicle test 90 days from today. Will it show up?
Re: Worried Beyond Belief (# 18)
A hair test is meant to show consistent use over time. My best guess is the amount you took won't show up.
Re: TheHairTestingGuy (# 19)
Thank you very much for the reply. I appreciate it.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: Robert (# 28)
My best guess is that you didn't do enough to show up on a hair drug test. But you could always do your own Anonymous Hair 5 Drug Panel Test to be sure.
Re: Worried Beyond Belief (# 20)
Over the past month and a half 2 months... I've taken 4 to 5 tablets of generic adderall. I believe 20 mg. So now I may have to take a hair test sometime in the next week to month. What are my chances of passing or failing? I've read the hair test is for finding an abuser of a drug. With the pills I've taken... is that considered an abuser? Any info would help. Thank you.
Re: Larry hues (# 26)
I don't think that was enough to show up on a hair drug test.
Took a 4 10 mg adderall in 5 mg doses everyday for 4 days. Will that show up in a hair follicle test after 20 days?
Re: TheHairTestingGuy (# 24)
I took vyvanse maybe 3-4 times within a week. I had 30mg capsules and took a half each time. So maybe a total of 60-70 mg at the end of march.
I have a hair follicle test at the end of May so it will be about 60 days completely clean. Do you think I will pass the test? I’m worried because it wasn’t all at once but over a few days.
Re: gina (# 23)
A hair test is meant to show consistent use over time. A 1.5 inch sample of hair cut at the scalp line will go back 90 days. One pill is not going to show up on a hair drug test.
Re: TheHairTestingGuy (# 1)
I took 1 20 mg adderall today and I have hair follicle test going back 4 months on Aug 5. before today I hadnt taken adderall in years, will it show? should I try to get a prescription to cover my ass??? HELP
Re: Lori Tab (# 21)
That small amount of oxycodone will not show up on a hair drug test with extended opiates.
I took 2 and 1/2 5mg percocets because I had run out of my 10mg hydros. I take the hydros 4 times a day. If i get popped for a random hair drug test in the next week to 90 days will I be in trouble? I don't want to get fired.
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