Adderall Backorder
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I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1964 Replies (99 Pages)

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Re: Tim (# 1963) Expand Referenced Message

You may already knkow this, but have you tried mom and pop pharmacies?

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Had trouble for the first time in several months last month - I assume because of kids returning to school. My next fill is Monday, I'm kinda dreading it.

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Re: Boyd (# 1950) Expand Referenced Message

Try Costco and use the goodrx app or their site for their coupon for a greatly reduced price. Often beats insurance.

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Re: Scott (# 1954) Expand Referenced Message

Have you tried Provigil? Just a suggestion.

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Re: Scott (# 1955) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, indeed. I had a bad allergic reaction to Auerobindo (sp?) and found out via the difficult route when they substituted it for my regular Teva. I wasn't aware that they did this or I would have a negative reaction. All my other meds have been filled with other generic alternatives and I have had no problems. In addition, I also didn't even think twice before taking them as they looked so much the same. Lesson learned the hard way.

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I haven’t had a bad experience getting Adderall yet. It’s been taking 3 days to order it, then it’s delivered to my pharmacy and it’s ready the next day. It seems the East Coast and the West Coast have different availability and distributors.

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Re: Ryelee83 (# 1957) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah I haven't had ir available here in a few months either. Luckily, but Dr has been willing to replace them with XR, which are regularly available, but they just aren't the same.

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30mg IR STILL on backorder in MA for almost 3 months. Every month is such an ordeal to get prescriptions filled. It's exhausting, to say the least

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Re: Barb T (# 1952) Expand Referenced Message

There must be no one else in your area taking it. You are extremely fortunate. Take your blessing and realize there are others of us who haven't been able to get adderall in over a year.

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Re: Viny (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

FYI: be careful of which mfg your Adderall is made by. DEA along with FDA have stricken guidelines that name brand and generic have the exact “active” compounds BUT! Manufactures have complete digression without regulation to add buffers and fillers that can and often do affect the effigy of the generic compound. Some are allergic to corn, dyes and so on. I have researched and personally experienced first hand this travesty. This common practice has to change! There’s power in words and letters to our congressman, legislators, senators and right to the manufacture! You can sit and complain about your predicament and change nothing or write to people in your state starting with Congressional district for you and work up to POTUS! I’ve done it along with scheduled meetings with legislatures and gatekeepers. P.S. keep a dossier of who, place and time, your message well rehearsed, take notes, use the media (not Facebook) local tv, news reporters and especially and I mean this…never ever quit! This is how laws get changed in America! Lawyers are valuable for information on possible class action lawsuits. I’m working on letters and please always be direct to the point, include how you’ve been personally harmed and sum up what you want done to correct the harm and suffering you and all other American citizens are going through due to the law of quotes not in the reality of the present time! P.S. have someone proofread everything! No typos. Here for ya!

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Re: Ben (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It’s not either the doctors or pharmaceutical company’s. The DEA has quotas of the quantity of Adderall (name), Dextroamphetamine sulfate (generic form). I’m trying to get my prescription of Dexedrine Spanules filled and they’re $100 for 30 qty @ 15mgs. That’s with insurance! Try Costco or call the manufacture directly to check their assistance programs. It works! Also call your Senator, legislature in your district and lastly look into a legal suit against the FDA for purposely and maliciously not opening up higher quotes because of the increase of prescriptions written due to more ADHD diagnosis and me with Narcolepsy II.

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Re: Barb T (# 1952) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, I'd love to try out Dexedrine, but that seemed even more scarce when I was considering it. Agree on sandoz being the best

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I have had no problem at all (ever) getting 30mg IR Adderall here in Maine. It's Sandoz too which is the best, IMO. HOWEVER I do prefer the old school dextroamphetamine sulfate, dexedrine, the modern brands is Zenzedi and that has been virtually impossible to find. I have a lot more peripheral jitters/energy on Adderall, I personally think the Dexedrine is way less "speedy", but that said they both work. Sort of like contact lenses or glasses. I mean, I prefer contacts.. But I can certainly do ok with glasses. Better than nothing LOL. cheers and good luck.

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Re: Happy AF (# 1941) Expand Referenced Message

Teva and Israel.

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A month waiting for my medication already here in South Florida. I operate machinery so I been barely working until I get my meds. Better than chopping an arm off and being flooded with medical bills. More than a year into this nightmare. It'd be easier to buy an assault rifle than to get my medication in time.

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Thanks, for the updates! It seems in my area the 30mg IR have been on backorder for a couple months now.

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Re: Tim (# 1946) Expand Referenced Message

I indeed had a hard time finding my 30mg IR this month, again. Multiple pharmacies had 20mg IR in-stock, though, as well as XR.

Good luck out there, friends.

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I have been able to fill my 20mg ir with no issues for more than a few months. Manufacturer has been epic pharma for a while now though.

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Re: Ryelee83 (# 1944) Expand Referenced Message

I did have trouble finding IR of any dose in December up here in the Philly area. I fill up on Wednesday again so hopefully I'll be able to report it wasn't an issue.

In the meantime my doctor was able to convert my IR to XR with no issue.

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Re: Brilliant (# 1943) Expand Referenced Message

My Walgreens here in Florida has been cut for two months now! Very discouraging!

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