Adderall Backorder (Page 97) (Top voted first)


I take generic Adderall 20 mg for narcolepsy and there is not one local pharmacy that has it in stock. I have never had this problem before. The pharmacies are saying that it's on backorder from the manufacturer. Is anyone else having problems getting their scripts filled?

1962 Replies (99 Pages)

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Re: Rcma (# 1838) Expand Referenced Message

@Rcma Something that the blog missed was that the Adderall shortage started in 2021. (Some say in 2020). But definitely in 2021. Manufacturers are not required to report a shortage and the FDA can't make them. My pharmacist was telling me there was a shortage in 2021 more than half a year before Teva bothered to report anything. And when the FDA declared shortage over the end of summer, still no one could get their meds filled regularly. FDA only looks at optionally reported manufacture shortages. Does not look at the demand side where prescriptions aren't getting filled. And the DEA will not take quota from 1 company like Teva who was failing miserably and give it to another with capacity to produce. DEA also does a crap job in estimating demand. There is a conflict of interest with the DEA regulating the active ingredients in stimulant medications. The easiest way to prevent people from getting the substance they are providing to the industry is to not provide it to the industry.

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Re: Tim (# 1850) Expand Referenced Message

Militarys around the world have been using stimulates during conflict since WW2. Germany started it, and everyone else was forced to follow in order to level the battle field. Nothing has changed since then. Google is your friend btw ??

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Re: Mike (# 1864) Expand Referenced Message

Since this thread is going full-on conspiracy theory, let's throw in that the US DOD is shipping Adderall to Ukraine.

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Re: Bryce (# 1866) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t see why he wouldn’t. I admit some doctors might feel uncomfortable giving that dose out because one doctor did tell me that “that is a really high dose.” Although he was still going to write me my prescription. Out of all the doctors I have seen (I have been on adderall for 13 years now) that one doctor was the only one to ever say anything but was still going to give it to me. I did have to work my way up slowly of course but if you aren’t getting enough to get you through the day and he doesn’t want to help you I would look into seeing another doctor and explain what is happening. As long as you don’t get two scripts for the same thing you will be fine. Also they do have a database that shows them what doctors you see and for what. My last doctor asked me to explain why I was wanting to be seen by her and when I told her she then said “alright after looking into the database everything you said lines up with what I see so I’ll be happy to give you the meds today.” Like I said just because others think it’s too much a day for you doesn’t change the fact that you feel like you aren’t getting enough help to get you through the day. Try suggesting to your doctor what I usually get which is 60 30ir a month and 30 20mg ir a month ago see what they say. As of now I have been on 3 20mg ir a day because of the shortage and there not being any 30mg ir here but my normal dose will be put back in place when they get meds in stock my doctor said. Good luck!

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Re: Bp01 (# 1940) Expand Referenced Message

The manufacturers were given the same amount of active ingredient this year that they received in 2022, which is infuriating because there were shortages all year last year. I think they started in March. Part of the problem last year, according to Teva, was that they just didn’t have the employees to pack and ship the medication. Everyone keeps spreading disease for the economy so nobody is well enough to work. You’re lucky or pharmacies are even open. I live up in New England and we don’t have any pharmacies open on Sundays anymore because they don’t have enough staff because everyone keeps getting too sick to work because everyone insists on spreading disease. It’s gross and it won’t be getting better anytime soon.

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I have had no problem at all (ever) getting 30mg IR Adderall here in Maine. It's Sandoz too which is the best, IMO. HOWEVER I do prefer the old school dextroamphetamine sulfate, dexedrine, the modern brands is Zenzedi and that has been virtually impossible to find. I have a lot more peripheral jitters/energy on Adderall, I personally think the Dexedrine is way less "speedy", but that said they both work. Sort of like contact lenses or glasses. I mean, I prefer contacts.. But I can certainly do ok with glasses. Better than nothing LOL. cheers and good luck.

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Re: Ben (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

It’s not either the doctors or pharmaceutical company’s. The DEA has quotas of the quantity of Adderall (name), Dextroamphetamine sulfate (generic form). I’m trying to get my prescription of Dexedrine Spanules filled and they’re $100 for 30 qty @ 15mgs. That’s with insurance! Try Costco or call the manufacture directly to check their assistance programs. It works! Also call your Senator, legislature in your district and lastly look into a legal suit against the FDA for purposely and maliciously not opening up higher quotes because of the increase of prescriptions written due to more ADHD diagnosis and me with Narcolepsy II.

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Let's be realistic. Do you actually think the president of this country has so much free time that he would put his energy into changing supply of certain ADD medicines? Your level of paranoid thinking is similar to many drug addicts. Do you have a clue how laws are made or how bills are passed? This is not a dictatorship. And there are no fences keeping you in the United States. You are free to go to another country and try complaining about their leader. You might get a wake-up call.

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did ya see what i wrote??? :) 1rst of all, do you a Costco member? i LOVE the mail ordering!!! lol. Costco always has some on hand or can order for next day. ask any pharmicist what mg they DO have and have ur Dr. rewrite ur script for that! i haven't been having any issues with the 25mg Adderall and Costco says Ritlin hasn't been hard to order.
TRY a different mg n see how that works out! =) good luck!

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hon scripts dont expire for "6 months"!!!! i've asked my pharmacist!

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Not to get off topic, but I used to get the Mallincrodt (sp) 30's years ago but I can't remember where I found them at. Does anyone else know who carries them? I just remember that I liked them a lot better than the others. Thanks guys.

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1st of all, you'll never suffer withdrawal symptoms from Adderall, thankfully. 2nd, I'm from Southeastern Mass myself and occasionally we run into same prob down here. But I've used same pharm for last 6 years and go there every 28 days like clockwork so it's rare I have this issue tho not unheard of.

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I had the same thing! I am at the emergency hospital now. I moved here from MN and the guy I was staying with stole my Paxil/Adderall/Xlonopen. I called the police and they refused to file an incident report. I went to the pharmacy with my prescriptions from MN, they FINALLY came in the mail, and one woman said she wouldn't fill it because I'm from MN.

People here just makeup rules and say "because it's NEW YORK"
Get over yourself NY and realize you are stigmatizing yourself. It doesn't have to be this way.

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CVS "Rx Out of Stock" Designations

I'm trying to make sure that my medication is going to come in tomorrow. Long story short, its adderall, 90-day supply. Last time I picked up 180, but my doctor upped it so this time it's 270, and it was supposed to have been filled by April 17th. So now we're almost at 3 weeks past when this was supposed to be filled all because the manufacturer I need all of a sudden seemingly, they cannot get.

Now, I know there is in fact a shortage, but there's been a shortage, and she didn't have a problem getting them before, so I'm just trying to figure out, because when I spoke to her on Monday and she said she would order the other ones nothing in my online CVS profile had changed, but after I talked to her yesterday, I got a confirmation text that they were special ordering my medication, and I'd get a text when it was coming in.

**Kinda UPDATE: I was just reviewing my text log from the CVS notification texts, and I remember, before when I needed a certain brand and we weren't sure if it was gonna come in, the text would say "(x) Medication on Order, we'll text you when it's ready," vs. "We're placing a SPECIAL ORDER (without the all caps of course lol) for your medication, and will text you when it's ready." When they placed the special order, it was there the next day, and she even said it was only because the orders had already gone out for the day. So is it safe to assume they'll actually have my generic teva adderall in stock?

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Re: bp01 (# 935) Expand Referenced Message

An escript? I need to talk to my doc. R u nuts?

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Re: Steph G (# 985) Expand Referenced Message

That’s ok. You can call local pharmacies and try Walgreens if you have them down there. Just call and say that your pharmacy is out and that your doctor needs to know where to resend your script. If they say they don’t have any in stock either, ask them if they can look in their system and tell you the closest pharmacy who has it in stock because you don’t feel comfortable calling around to pharmacies asking them about a controlled substance. They should help you out and they’ll see your pending prescription in the system so they’ll be able to verify you’re a patient

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Re: Jay (# 991) Expand Referenced Message

Insurance companies have a policy prescriptions must state Medically Necessary for prescriptions to be filled with brand name and covered

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Re: Optimistic (# 996) Expand Referenced Message

With all due respect, that is what the DEA considers "diverting" and that is exactly what they want to prevent people from using these medications for.

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Re: Bp01 (# 1020) Expand Referenced Message

Federal law requires a doctor patient relationship at least one face to face visit before prescribing Schedule II medications. When the pandemic started and a Federal Emergency was declared. That law was temporarily changed to not require a doctor patient relationship, at least one face to face meeting before prescribing a Schedule II drug. Technically it is still in affect until the Federal Emergency due to the pandemic is lifted. But the change has been abused by certain new companies.

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Re: Bp01 (# 1022) Expand Referenced Message

How can a drug screen be done online? These businesses will have to stop prescribing Schedule II drugs when the Federal Emergency due to covid ends anyway. Looks like that is coming up soon.

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