Adderal 30 Xr Mg. Capsules (clear, Orange Caps.) Versus Taking Adderall 30mg Orange Tablets


I have had extensive testing through a Licensed Psychiatric Group of Doctors. This testing proved that I had been suffering with ADD all my life. This testing was done 15-20 yrs ago. Thankfully the past 5 years or more I have been taking the Medication: Adderall XR30 mg capsules (clear/orange capsules) I know this is a controlled substance and a "Triplicate" is necessary to fill the RX. *MY PROBLEM!
The pharmacy "Caremark" would not send me the appropriate medication (Adderall XR30mg caps) as they have done for years. I have been without my medicaton for weeks now & I'm a mess! My Dr's office staff is so upset with Caremark and they do not know why they are sending me 30 mg Tablets of Adderall now. My other problem is that it does not work for me. I've spent HOURS of time on the phone with CAREMARK and still NO HELP!!
I called my Dr's Office today and they are also at their witts end with CAREMARK too! MY Dr's Office has given them 2 TRIPLICATES in the Process for ADDERAL XR 30mg capsules BUT CAREMARK still sent the wrong medication. Like I said they sent me the Adderall 30mg capslules instead...Probably cheaper for them ...Right? I don't know what to do BUT as I read on the Inernet. I should NOT STOP taking this DRUG serrious problems including DEATH can occur. What can I do as a consumer/patient! I must have some rights and recourse for this TERRIBLE company CAREMARK!

4 Replies

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This is a link about generic adderall xr.........for the time being, have doc give you a month or even less if you want, and fill it at local's very cheap.

This is only to cover you, while you are fighting it out with Caremark......All these Health Companies are a nightmare......I know how frustrated you are, have had similiar circumstances other times, with Medco.....and CVS agreeing to fill it.

"As of April 3, 2009, generic Adderall XR is available in the United States. It is being made by Teva Pharmaceuticals."

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What are the markings on the tablets they are sending you? It is possible that they are, now, just sending you a generic of the Adderall XR, even if they don't denote that on the prescription label.

As Linda mentioned, your other alternative is to get it from a local pharmacy and just pay for it yourself. Does your coverage require you to use Caremark?


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Adderall XR is now officially generic worldwide. They have signed a deal with Novartis/actavis and the quality is terrible. After a week of electroshock your feelings behind my eyes and nausea and depression I had to switch back to the brand-name.

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I feel u. I am going through it right now as well. I've been on the Sandoz Brand of Adderall 30 mgs orange tablets. I called Sandoz today and was told that its still on back order. Rep said although they do not have a specific release date they maybe be their by the end of this week. I hope so because I tried the Teva Brand same mg/color tab and It gave me massive headache every time I took one. So, I called my Doc & received another script after about 7 days of being on the Teva Brand IR for Adderall XR. I started off on 20 mgs XR in 07 switched over to generics in 09 due to Florida insurance not covering XR during the time I lived out there. Since I was paying out of pocket I tried the generic and was pleased with results. Then when this back order bs happened I figured XR would hold me over in the mean time, nope to no avail. Although its not giving me headaches its keeping my mind up at night and in n out of sleep. I sincerely think that the Brands of Adderall that are currently available are missing an active ingredient.

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