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I have been diagnosed with clynical depression and none of the anti depressents helped ,my brother was diagnosed with add attention deficit disorder,so when he got prescribed adderalls I tried one because I always felt tired ,slept 2 years through and just did not have any will or hope left ,after tryimg the adderall it gave me energy ,I actually started taking walks the bottom life is it saved my life,now the new law came out that unless you are 20 years and under your insuriance will not cover the script,therefore my condition worsened and i went right back into my little corner as i did 1 year ago for multiple years in a row ,now is this only in NY State or is this everywhere else as well,I cannot afford them I am legally disabled due to my condition ,please reply.
Thank You and Happy and Healthy Holidays to one and all G-D Bless.

2 Replies

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If u thank thay helped try oc or op I snort them cause I work 330 to 4 or 5 for 6/7 days a week and it has given me a bad ass best high I do adderel to man 5$ a pill co and op will cost like 40$ a pill but I get 8d's and one will last me 2days look it up on google thay r good it will get u out of the rut ur in or smoke som weed

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That isn't a law, from what I can find in my research, that is just a rule from certain insurance companies. I would assume if you are disabled, you are on some type of state funded insurance and it is a policy they have put into place for their coverage.

Have you discussed the problem with your doctor?


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