Acyclovir + Hydrocodone/acetaminophen For Herpes (Top voted first)
UpdatedI just recently found out I have herpes. My Dr prescribed me Acyclovir for the herpes and 5-325 Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen for the discomfort. Will the hydrocodone really help with the pain?
3 Replies
Hello, Fml! How are you?
Herpes affects the nerve ganglia, wherever your infection is located, either the abdominal area, or your face/head. Thus, while you see the blisters and sores, which can be quite uncomfortable, it can also cause some deeper pain, because of the way its affecting the nerves. Many that experience genital herpes also develop other symptoms, during a breakout, such as aches, pains and fever. That would be my guess as to why your doctor prescribed the Norco, though the best thing to do would be to ask them.
The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Acyclovir is an antiviral and is known to work very well for most people at preventing further recurrences or minimizing them, so they don't flare so badly. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth.
Is there anything else I can help with?
hE vERWON. i WAS hpv POSITIVE FOR 2 YEARS. 1 AND A HALF YEARS I WAS HAVING INTERCOARSE WTH MY FIANCE which i trust . it's possible an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend gave it to us up tt 10 years ago. We moved away from each other for 6-8 months and during that time i was abstinent with him and all. I went to do my exam and Thank God the HPV was gone. During the time i had the HPV i didnt break out in any sores in my genital nor moth area. Now we have been back together intimatly the last few months and i have a sore near my gebitalia. Im going to the ob/gyn next week to see if i am in fact still HPV negative. Im curious to know if my immune system did fight it off (most times one's immune system takes care of the HPV within 2 years) and his didnt did he in turn re-infect me?
I found one of these pills on my floor and my girlfriend claims a friend gave it to her. Should I be worried that she may have Herpes or is this taken for some HIGH ????
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