Actemra Forums
Recently active Actemra forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Actemra and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.My wife has been on Actemra for about 6-7months now and her doctor says it's working, my wife disagrees. Due to her having to be on prednisone (very low dose 10mgs daily) she has now been diagnosed with Cushings as well. She is the most advanced RA patient this doctor says he has ever treated and that since her neck is deteriorated to the point of coming apart, he says she has to stay on the Actemra to slow down the progression. She feels worse every single day. She was misdiagnosed for 10+ years and by the time we found a Doctor to believe her it was too late to stop it. She was to far gone. She has gone from 140lbs all her life (shes now 51) to 270+ and nobody seems to have an answer other then it's from the steroids and pain meds, neither of which she can stop. Her legs are s...
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